Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD)

NOTICE: This site is no longer actively updated.  The ICH M2 EWG information listed here will be migrated to the ICH Website.  In the meantime, please consult the ICH Website for eCTD (http://www.ich.org/ich5c.html#eCTD) for more information on eCTD IWG efforts.

July 21, 2003

The M2 EWG is developing a specification for an electronic common technical document (eCTD) which is based on the ICH M4 CTD Step 4 documents.  The Steering Committee signed the Step 2 eCTD Specification in February 2002.  See the following documents and files for the Step 2 specification.

A default style sheet is provided here.  This style sheet allows two users to view the eCTD submission, independent of the review environment of each user.  The minimum requirement for using this ICH eCTD Display is Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0. 

Regional Regulatory Authorities have additional information on how to prepare and submit eCTD submissions.  See these sites for regional information:

European Union: http://esubmission.eudra.org/ectd

Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (Japan): http://www.nihs.go.jp

Food and Drug Administration (United States): http://www.fda.gov/cder/regulatory/ersr/FDARegional/eCTD.htm.

Main | Background | Objectives | Approach | Recommendations  

Functionality | Meetings | Glossary | Future | Contacts

Page Updated: 21 July, 2003