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NEHRP - National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

Welcome to the NEHRP

The National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) is the Federal Government's program to reduce the risks to life and property from earthquakes. The NEHRP agencies are FEMA, the lead agency; the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); the National Science Foundation (NSF); and the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

The four goals of the NEHRP are as follows:

bullet graphicGoal A: Develop effective practices and policies for earthquake loss-reduction and accelerate their implementation

bullet graphicGoal B: Improve techniques to reduce seismic vulnerability of facilities and systems

bullet graphicGoal C: Improve seismic hazards identification and risk-assessment methods and their use

bullet graphicGoal D: Improve the understanding of earthquakes and their effects


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FEMA Recommends Drop, Cover, and Hold On
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Last Updated: Friday, 05-Nov-2004 16:08:57 EST
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