HEALTHYPEOPLE archives -- March 2003 (#1)

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Approved-By: DBaker@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2656.59)
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Message-ID:  <>
Date:         Thu, 13 Mar 2003 13:06:30 -0500
Reply-To:     "Baker, David" <DBaker@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV>
Sender:       Healthy People 2010 News and Announcements
From:         "Baker, David" <DBaker@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV>
Subject:      Invitation to National Prevention Summit
Comments: To: "" <>

<<Agenda_03_03_03.pdf>> <<Summit announcement.3 10 03.doc>> HHS Secretary To Unveil National Prevention Initiative Two-Day Summit Will Feature Bold, New Prevention Priorities and Programs April 15 & 16, 2003 Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel You are invited to join Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy G. Thompson at the Steps to a HealthierUS: Putting Prevention First Summit. Secretary Thompson will lay out his priorities and programs for Steps to a HealthierUS, the Department's initiative to advance President Bush's HealthierUS program. National summit presentations will highlight policies that promote healthy environments and model programs from communities across the country that use Healthy People 2010 as the basis for planning efforts. Join national, state, and local policy makers, health agencies, business and education communities, and leading health stakeholders at this pioneering national conference. You can register online at or print and mail your registration form. Don't forget to register for the concurrent sessions and be a part of this national dialog for disease prevention. The registration fee is $185. Registration before April 1, 2003, is encouraged. Registration Information For further information regarding registration for the Steps to a HealthierUS: Putting Prevention First Summit, contact Vicki Wilson at (303) 296-7993 or at Please forward this announcement to colleagues and friends who might find this information useful. <<Agenda_03_03_03.pdf>> <<Summit announcement.3 10 03.doc>>

Agenda_03_03_03.pdf [application/octet-stream]

Summit announcement.3 10 03.doc [application/msword]

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