NOTE:     This revision changes the name of the alert and updates
          the alert to the current format and terminology. In
          addition, this revision creates an attachment which
          lists firms whose ackee products are exempt from
          detention without physical examination. Changes are
          bracketed by asterisks ( *** ).

TYPE OF ALERT:  ***Detention without Physical Examination***

NOTE:     ***This import alert represents the Agency's current
          guidance to FDA field personnel regarding the
          manufacturer(s) and/or product(s) at issue. It does not
          create or confer any rights for or on any person, and
          does not operate to bind FDA or the public.***

PRODUCT:  Ackees   all product types including canned, frozen,
          raw, dried, etc.  The ackee is known as the national
          fruit of Jamaica and may be called "akee", "akie", or

PRODUCT CODE:  21S--13, 21R--13, 21T--13, 21U--13, 21V--13

PROBLEM:  ***Naturally occurring toxins*** Hypoglycin-A and

          ***(OASIS charge code = POISONOUS)***

PAF:      ***BIO (Biological Toxin)***

PAC:      ***07819***

COUNTRY:  ***All***

SHIPPER:  ***All, except those listed on the attachment.***

CHARGE:   "The article is subject to refusal of admission
          pursuant to Section 801(a)(3) in that the product
          appears to contain poisonous and deleterious
          substances, namely hypoglycin-A and hypoglycin-B, which
          may render it injurious to health [Adulteration,
          Section 402(a)(1)]."

OFFICE:   CFSAN, HFS-606 and HFS-300

ALERT:    CFSAN has determined, after a study of all available
          scientific literature, that ackees contain two toxic
          substances when the fruit is either green or over-ripe.
          The seeds, ***pinkish membrane under the seeds, and
          outer rind*** of the fruit contain the toxic substances
          at all times. The substances are hypoglycin-A and
          hypoglycin-B which are dangerous natural toxins that
          have been known to cause poisoning and death. The
          ingestion of ***immature*** ackee is conclusively
          linked to "vomiting sickness" in Jamaica. The
          literature describes the onset of vomiting sickness as
          sudden. One or more periods of vomiting and quiescence
          ***can be*** followed by convulsions, coma, and death.
          ***In the unripened fruit, hypoglycin is located
          throughout the fruit, seeds, membrane under the seeds,
          and outer rind. In ripe ackee, the edible portion of
          the fruit is safe to consume. The seeds and outer rind,
          however, still contain high levels of hypoglycin and
          should not be consumed.***

          The above facts, plus the possibility that green or
          over-ripe fruits or seeds could get into the cans
          during commercial canning, or be consumed when eating
          the fresh fruit leads CFSAN to conclude that all
          shipments of ackees, ***EXCEPT from those firms
          identified in the Attachment to this alert, ***should
          be detained without physical examination.  ***The
          processors listed in the Attachment have food safety
          controls in place to ensure that only properly ripened
          ackees, without seeds, membrane, or outer rind, are
          used for canning.***

          ***FDA is also aware*** of attempts to smuggle canned
          ackees into the United States by either false
          declaration on the can labels or by concealing the
          canned ackees in containers of other food products and
          not declaring ackees on the Customs entry. Numerous
          detentions of ackees continued to occur during FY92 and
          FY93. Others have been reported since that time.

          Specific examples of false declarations are:

          1. Canned Ackee labeled as:
               -"Montego Brand Jamaican Callaloo in Brine"
               (Callaloo is Jamaican slang for spinach)
               - "Tropic Ginger Beer, Product of Jamaica"
               - "Tropic Banana Fruit"
               - "Callaloo"

          2. Cartons of canned ackees hidden among cartons of
          Jamaican beer (the entire contents of the container
          labeled as beer)

GUIDANCE: Districts may detain without physical examination
          entries of ackees, in all product types, (canned, raw,
          frozen, dried, etc.) ***EXCEPT canned ackee from
          processors listed in the Attachment to this import
          alert. As other processors are identified to have food
          safety controls (HACCP) in place to control the
          potential for toxin contamination in the canned fruit,
          they will also be identified in this import alert.
          Because of the potential for toxin contamination from
          ackee, CFSAN has determined that all processors of
          canned ackee for export to the United States must be
          approved on a plant-by plant basis.***

          For questions or issues concerning science, science
          policy, sample collection, analysis, preparation, or
          analytical methodology, contact the Division of Field
          Science at (301)443-3320 or 3007.

FOI:      No purging is required.

KEYWORDS: Ackees, Akie, Akee, Ishin, hypoglycin-A, hypoglycin-B,
          toxin, poisonous

PREPARED BY:   Doug Randes, DIOP, 301-443-6553.

DATE LOADED INTO FIARS:  JULY 3, 2000         ATTACHMENT TO IMPORT ALERT #21-11       2/18/04


FIRM                               PRODUCT/PRODUCT CODE

FCE# 11154                         Canned Ackee
Ashman Food Products LTD.          21SEE13
Lot 434 Vineyard Cresent
Bushy Park P.O.
St. Catherine
Jamaica, W.I.
FEI# 3002984792

FCE# 10980                         Canned Ackee
Canco Limited                      21SEE13
Seaforth, St. Thomas
Jamaica, W.I.
FEI# 3002793762

FCE# 08622                         Canned Ackee
Tijule Company, Ltd.               21SEE13
30 Paisley Avenue                  3/1/01
Palmers Cross
Jamaica, W.I.
FEI# 3002369845

FCE# 12129                         Canned Ackee
West Best Foods, Ltd.              21SEE13
P.O. Box 28                        3/1/01
Darliston, Westmoreland
Jamaica, W.I.
FEI# 3003145183

FCE# 08380                         Canned Ackee
Southern Fruits and                21SEE13
Food Processors, Ltd.              2/18/04
Bull Savannah P.O.
St. Elizabeth
Jamaica, W.I.
FEI# 3003311226

FCE# 13065                         Canned Ackee
Island Packers Limited             21SEE13
C.S. Dick Drive                    2/18/04
Lionel Town
Jamaica, W.I.
FEI# 3003882440