NOTE: This alert is being revised to reflect updated information. Additional changes are bracketed by asterisk

TYPE OF ALERT: **Detention Without Physical Examination** and Guidance

PRODUCT      :  Melon seeds

PRODUCT CODE :  23K[][]05

PROBLEM      :  Aflatoxin (PSAM)
                Color (UCNC)
                Filth (FLNF, FLRF, FLAF)

COUNTRY      :  Sudan (SD, 835)
                PROC (CN, 280)
                Hong Kong (HK, 435)
                Thailand (TH, 875)

SHIPPER      :  Various


I.D.#        :  N/A

CHARGE       : "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to contain "AFLATOXIN," a
               poisonous and deleterious substance, which may ordinarily
                render it injurious to health."  [Adulteration, Section


               "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to bear or contain a color
               additive which is unsafe within the meaning of Section 706(a)."
               [Adulteration, Section 402(c)]


               "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
               Section 801(a)(3) in that it appears to consist in whole or in
               part of a filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance or is
               otherwise unfit for food, in that in contains insect, rodent,
               animal or other filth."  [Adulteration, Section 402(a)(3)]

OFFICE      :  New York District (HFR-NE152)

ALERT       :  Melon seeds from the Sudan have been on ***Detention Without
               Physical Examination  since 1982 due to violative levels of
               alfatoxin.  Shipments continue to be offered for entry, and
               refused, due to the presence of aflatoxin.

               In March 1991, New York Regional Laboratory analyzed two
               products, dried melon seeds and black melon seeds, offered for
               entry from Thailand.  Both samples were found to contain
               violative levels of aflatoxin.

           *** Red melon seeds from Hong Kong and the PROC have been on
               detention Without Physical Examination*** since 1982 due to the
               presence of illegal colors.  We continue to find non-permitted
               colors in products shipped from Hong Kong, and the Peoples
               Republic of China.   Colors detected include FD&C; Red #2, D&C;
               Red #11, D&C; Orange #4, and Ponceau 4R.

                In addition, during FY 91, ten entries of all types of melon
                seeds were found to contain rodent or insect filth using AOAC,
                15th ed., 950.86, 1990.  These detentions include various
                shippers from the Peoples Republic of China, Hong Kong, Jordan
                and Lebanon.

               CHI-DO recently detained a shipment of watermelon seeds from
               Walid and Khaled Eyayan, Amman, Jordan.  The invoices for the
               product certified that the goods listed were of the origin of
               Jordan and local market purchase.  A wharf exam revealed that
               the product was originally shipped from China to Jordan, before
               sale and shipment to the U.S.

               The specific manufacturer/shipper from China could not be
               identified.  Districts should be aware of misdeclaration of
               country on these products.

GUIDANCE:      ***Detain without physical examination*** all shipments of the
               specified melon seed products offered for entry from those
               firms listed in Attachment A due to the presence of aflatoxin.

               ***Detain without physical examination*** all shipments of red
               melon seeds offered for entry from those countries identified
               in Attachment B due to the presence of illegal color additives.

               ***Shippers exempted from the requirements of this import are
                  listed in Attachment "C"***

               Coverage of all types of melon seed products for aflatoxin,
               color additives and filth, as appropriate, is indicated.

FOI          :  No purging is required.

KEYWORDS     :  Aflatoxin, colors, filth, dried melon seeds, black melon
                seeds, red melon seeds, watermelon seeds

PREPARED BY  :  Jack Geltman, SDWG, DIOP, HFC-172, (301)443-6553

INTO FIARS   :  December 20, 1996

Attachment A to Import Alert #23-02                       4/6/04

 Melon Seeds on ***Detention Without Physical Examination for Aflatoxin***

    Packer/Shipper                 	Product

All firms from the Sudan           	Melon Seeds

Lam Bao Bao					Melon Seeds		Contains non-permitted
4C2 Dong An 7				23K[][]05		Rhodamine B (CI 45170
Vietnam					4/6/04		D&C; Red No. 19)
FEI #3004409389							And non-permitted acid
									Orange 7 (CI 15510,  			
						D&C; Orange No.4)

Lang Derm Exporters                	Dried Melon Seeds
Bangkok, Thailand

Kwang Yak Joo Ltd.                 	Black Melon Seeds
Bangkok, Thailand

Kub Moyo Enterprises Nig Ltd.		Melon Seeds, Edible
P.O. Box 2751, Apapa Lagos
FEI #3002840977Attachment B to Import Alert #23-02                       6/6/03

Melon Seeds on ***Detention Without Physical Examination ***Due to
Non-Permitted Colors

Packer/Shipper				Product

All firms from PROC           	Red Melon Seeds

All firms from Hong Kong      	Red Melon Seeds

				IRAN (IR)

Rojar Corp.	 				Watermelon Seeds		Fast Crimson GR
						11/20/01			Ponceau 4R
597 Khayam Street
Teheran, Iran
FEI #3003315479

46 Amir Atabak Avenue, Suite 2
Teheran, Iran
FEI #3003118491

Fast Crimson GR (C.I. 18050, formerly certifiable as Ext. D&C; Red #11) is not permitted in or on food products

				MACAU (MO)

Manufacturer:				Black Melon Seeds		Undeclared
Not Known,					23K[][]05			Tartrazine
Labeled as Product of China		6/18/01

Ka Wo Trading Co., Ltd.
1 STMO Ferreira Do Amural, Rua
Va Tai, No. 12 R/C
FEI #3003297032

Tartrazine is certifiable as FD&C; Yellow No.5.  This color additive is not permitted unless it comes from an F
DA-certified batch.


Ging Ta Fong Co., Ltd			Green Tea Melon Seeds	Tartrazine
No. 63, Da Fong Rd.			23K[][]05			Brilliant Blue FCF
 Sec. 3, Da Li Hsien			10/2/01
Taichung, Taiwan
FEI #3002927100

  				VIETNAM (VN, 945)

Gia Minh Co., Ltd.			Melon Seeds			Rhodamine B
B3/10A, Route 1A				23K[][]05
Binh Chanh Dist.				02/27/01
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
FEI #3002895097

Rhodamine B is formerly certifiable as D&C; Red No. 19.  This color additive is not permitted in foods.

Golden Ocean Enterprises Co., Ltd	Melon Seeds			Rhodamine B
28/21 A Cach Mang Thang Tam St.	23K[][]05
Tan Binh District				4/13/01			Orange II;
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam						a color additive
FEI #3000161134								resembling
										Ponceau 4R

Lucky Shing Enterprise Co., Ltd	Melon Seeds			Rhodamine B
579 Quoc Lo An Loc Village		23K[][]05
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam		4/13/01
FEI #3001757812

Rhodamine B (C.I. 45170, formerly certifiable as D&C; Red No. 19) is not permitted on food products.

Nam Phong Trd. Co. 		 	Melon Seeds		Rhodamine B
  Aka Doanh Nghiep Tu Nhan		23K- -05
  Thuong Mai Nam Phong (mfg site)	6/6/03
6 to 11 Flat E. Binh Phu Road
Dist. 6
Ho Chi Minh City
FEI #3003346407

Sunimex Co.                         Red melon seeds		D&C; Red #19
71-79 Dong Khoi Street, Dist 1      6/3/97			6/4/97
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
FEI# 1000499532

Viet Nam Food Industries Company	Melon Seeds			Azorubine
6/18 Cach Mang Thang 8 St.		23K- - 05
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam		3/25/02

**Attachment C to Import Alert #23-02			October 23, 1997

List of Shippers/Manufacturers Exempt From Detention Withour Physical

Packer/Shipper                    	Product        	Problem

Agrisales Limited                 	Melon Seeds    	Aflatoxin
Royal Oak House                   	23K[][]05
45A Porchester Road
United Kingdom
FEI #1000175025

Leading Star Trading Co.      	Red Melon Seeds
Rm 1703 Wayson Commercial		23K[][]05
Building					10/23/97
28 Connaught Rd. West
Hong Kong
FEI #3000257007

Leading Star Trading Co.
42 Hebin Road
Daze, Xinhui,
Guangdong, China (Mainland)
FEI #3001121960

Limited to melons seed shipments from Sudan.