IA #66-10 - REVISED 2/21/91, "Chinese Herbal Medicines", ATTACHMENT A -
            08/11/99, ATTACHMENT B - 6/6/00, ATTACHMENT C - 3/17/04



PRODUCT CODE   :    66[][][][][]

CODE           :    N/A

PROBLEM        :    New drug without an approved new drug application
                    (DRND) and labeling lacks adequate directions for
                    intended use (DRDW).

COUNTRY        :    HONG KONG (HK, 435)
                    TAIWAN (TW, 281)
                    PEOPLES' REPUBLIC OF CHINA (CN, 280)


SHIPPER I.D.#  :    N/A

I.D.#          :    N/A

CHARGE         :    When accompanied by drug claims, charge: "The article
                    is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to
                    801(a)(3) in that it appears the labeling fails to
                    bear adequate directions for use for its intended
                    purposes (misbranded; 502(f)(1) and it appears to be a
                    new dug without an effective new drug application
                    [unapproved new drug; 505(a)]".

                    When unaccompanied by drug claims, charge:

                    "The article is subject to refusal of admission
                    pursuant to 801(a)(3) in that it appears the labeling
                    fails to bear adequate directions for use for its
                    intended purposes [misbranded; 502(f)(1)]".

OFFICE         :    LOS-DO

ALERT               :    Chinese herbal medications have a history, dating back
                         to 1974, of containing strong prescription drugs.

                    In 1974, four cases of agranulocytosis, resulting in
                    the death of one person and extensive hospitalization
                    of three others, were linked to use of these
                    preparations.  FDA analysis of  pills involved in the
                    illnesses found phenylbutazone and aminopyrine, and
                    analyses of other "herbal medications" found methyl
                    testosterone, prednisolone, diazepam, chlorzoxazone,
                    and acetaminophen.

                    In 1980, several illnesses and another death were
                    linked to use of Chinese herbal medications,
                    particularly chuifong toukuwan.  Analysis of chuifong
                    toukuwan from various sources found indomethacin,
                    hydrochlorothiazide, chlordiazepoxide, lead, and

                    In 1983, an additional brand of the chuifong toukuwan
                    variety labeled only in Chinese (translated as product
                    number 13 of attachment A below) appeared in the
                    Portland, Oregon area.  Trademark is a pair of
                    concentric units surrounding a dragon intertwined
                    about the numeral "7"    (Seven Dragon Brand).  The
                    pills come 60 to a bag in a white plastic bag with a
                    zip-lock closure.  FDA analysis has found
                    phenylbutazone at 10 to 18 milligrams per pill in the

                    In 1988, the Food and Drug Branch of the California
                    State Department of Health Services issued a press
                    release announcing an enforcement initiative against
                    dangerous Chinese and other Asian ethnic medicines.
                    Attachment B lists the products involved, the reputed
                    manufacturer, and the hazardous ingredients contained.

                    Currently, herbal pills are being marketed containing
                    a combination of four drugs: diazepam, indomethacin,
                    hydrochlorothiazide, and mefanamic acid.  These pills
                    are marketed under a variety of names and in a variety
                    of packagings.  They are spherically shaped,
                    approximately 3/8" in diameter, and have a shiny black
                    exterior.  When the pills are cracked open, white
                    crystalline material is observed to be imbedded in the
                    brown interior.

                    None of the products list the drug substances as
                    ingredients.  Investigation has shown that the pills
                    originate from several sources, and usually enter the
                    country via air mail shipments to health food stores,
                    oriental food stores, novelty shops, and individual
                    consumers.  They are occasionally sold door-to- door.
                    These products are listed in attachment A.

INSTRUCTIONS   :    Please inform your local U.S. Customs and Postal
                    Service officials of our interest in these types of
                    products, especially mail entries.

FOI            :    No purging is required.

KEYWORDS       :    Product - Herbal Medicines
                         Chinese Herbal Medicines
                         Black Pearl

                    Problem -      New Drugs

                    Country -      HK Hong Kong
                                   TW Taiwan
                                   CN Peoples Republic of China

                   ATTACHMENT A TO IA #66-10 REVISED 08/11/99

ATTACHMENT A: Products found by FDA to contain undeclared drug substances:

     Product                              Manufacturer

1.   "Long Life Brand Ginseng                Nan Lien Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
     Hui sheng Tsaitsaown"               Chaiwan, Hong Kong

2.   "Chui Fong" To Ukiwon Nan Lien          Nan Lien Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                             Chaiwan, Hong Kong

3.   "Sanlung Pai" Ginseng Jui Sheng         Nan Lien Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
     Tsai Tsaowan                            Chaiwan, Hong Kong

4.   "Fonsuning" To Ngwan "Tilong Pai"       Nan Lien Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                             Chaiwan, Hong Kong

5.   Chiushihton                             Ichongtai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

6.   Favina                                  Baker & Berlin Pharmaceutical Co.,

7.   Shou Sing Chui Fong To Ukuwan           Shou Sing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                        Taipei, Taiwan

8.   Hippo Brand Secret                      Nan Lein Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
     Formula Chui Fang Eng                   Chaiwan, Hong Kong

9.   Chuifong Toukuwan                       Sun Wuen Trading Co., Ltd.
                                             Chaiwan, Hong Kong

10.  Long Life Brand Nan Lien                Nan Lien Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
     Chuifong Toukuwan                       Chaiwan, Hong Kong
11.  Long Life Brand New Formula             Nan Lien Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
     Chuci Fong Tou-Gu Wan                   Chaiwan, Hong Kong

12.  Shou Sing Brand Chuifong                Shou Sing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
     of the Toukuwan                         Taipei, Taiwan

13.  "Chu Feng Shih Wan"                     Hui Tai Pharmaceutical

14.  Black Pearl                             Manufactured for International
                                             Arthritis and Pain Association
                                             Grand Cayman, B.W.I.
                                             Nan-Lien Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                             Hong Kong

               ATTACHMENT A TO IA #66-10     REVISED 08/11/99     PAGE 2

ATTACHMENT A: Products found by FDA to contain undeclared drug substances:

     Product                              Manufacturer

15.  "Cow's Head Brand"            Ta Ang Pharmaceutical Co.
     Tung Shueh Pills                   Kaohsiung, Taiwan
                                   Registered No. NEI WEI CHEN TSU
                                   ID# TWTAANGKAO

16.  "China Mong Num"                   The Peoples Pharmaceutical
                                   Jilin, China, PROC

17.  Jin Bu Huan Anodyne Tablets        Bose Drug Manufactory
                                   Kwangsi, China
                                   MID# CNBOSDRUKWA

18.  Chong Ro Whan Herbal               Dong Sung Pharmaceutical
     Anti-Diarrheal                128 Nong Sung Ri
                                   Ki Hung Eup
                                   Yong In Kun
                                   Kyungki Do
                                   MID #KRDONSUN128KIH

NOTE:     Examination of a sample by FDA Cincinnati District laboratory revealed
          the presence of Tetrahydropalmatine.  This ingredient is not identified
          in the ingredient statement on the product label.

     Medical claims listed for uses of the product include in part: "
     anodyne, sedative, spasm.....insomnia due to pain.....gastric and
     duodenal ulcer pains, stomach neuralgia, pain in shrunken womb after
     child birth.  Nervous insomnia, spasmodic cough....."

19.  Tsang Fook Kee Medicine Co.             "Chinese Love Stone"
     5 Ko Shing St.                          "Rock Hard"
     Hong Kong                               "Black Stone"
     MID# HKTSAFOO5UNK                       "Stud 100"
                                        Prod Code:  66[][][][][]

20.  Shanghai College of Chinese Medicine    Uterine Fibrosis No. 2
     Dawn (Shuquang) Hospital            Tablets
     Shanghai, China                         Ingredients: = Unknown
     MID #CNSHACOLSHA                         herbal ingredients

           ATTACHMENT A TO IA #66-10    REVISED 08/11/99    PAGE 3

The National Fish and Wildlife Service Forensics Laboratory found undeclared
metals/metalloids in the following imported Chinese herbal medicines, while
examining them for the presence of products from endangered species.   The
significance of these findings is currently being evaluated, however, the
accompanying labeling makes unproven treatment claims for the products and
therefore, may be detained without physical examination.

21. *Guangzhou Chen Li Ji Pharmaceutical          Da Huo Luo Wan
      Factory                           12/5/95
     Guangzhou, China
     FEI# 1000450618

Claims:  "...indicated for arthralgia and limited mobility due to
rheumatism...paralysis of limbs as a sequeliea [sic] of apoplexy..."

22. *Peking Tung Jen Tang                         Tsai Tsao Wan
     Peking, China                      12/5/95
     FEI# 12697

Claims: "...facial paralysis, dysphasia, apoplexy..."

23. *The United Pharmaceutical Manufactory        "Chu Kiang" brand
     Fushan, China                                Yan Shen Jai Jao Wan
     FEI# 1000450620                         12/5/95

Claims:  "For hemiplegia caused by apoplexy...palsy...dysphasia..."

*Product codes for the above may include the following:  31K99, 31P99, 54E99,
54F08, 54F99, 54Y99, 66V99.

24. Mei Kang Tang                            Sleeping Buddha
Shanghai, China                              Happy Buddha
FEI #3001374920                              Chinese Influ-X

Treasure Box
4025 E. 2nd Avenue
British Columbia,
Canada V5C3X1
FEI #3001022004

NOTE: Examination of a sample of Sleeping Buddha, 90 mg capsules by Seattle
district found 1.24 mg of undeclared Estazolam. Estalozam is in the
prescription drug class of benzodiazepines and is a C-IV schedule drug.  If
consumed during pregnancy the drug can cause serious adverse effects on the
developing fetus, including congenital malformations and depression of the
central nervous system.

           ATTACHMENT A TO IA #66-10    REVISED 08/11/99    PAGE 4

Canadian officials tested Happy Buddha and Chinese Influ-X and determined that
Happy Buddha contained undeclared chlorpheniramine, and the Chinese Influ-X
contained undeclared chlorpheniramine and acetaminophen.

25.  United Pharmaceutical Manufactory    Pe Min Kan Wan
     255 Dong Feng Road W.                Tablets (Herbal)
     Guangzhow                          54F---
     Peoples Republic of China          8/11/99
     FEI# 1000284059

NOTE: FDA examination of two samples of this product revealed the presence of
undeclared Chlorpheniramine Maleate. Products were labeled in both Chinese and
English, and were labeled and represented as Herbal Products.

                                             Revised 6/6/00

Attachment B: Products identified by California Department of Health Services:


1.  Product name:       Butarzol
    Manufacturer:       New York Chemical, Bangkok, Thailand
    Toxic ingredients:  1,2-Diphenyl 1-3,5-dioxo-4-n-butylpyrazolidine;
    Adverse reaction:   Death, agranulocytosis, convulsions, seizures,
                    mental confusion.

2.  Product name:       Chuifong Toukuwan
    Manufacturer:       Nan-Lien Pharmaceutical Co. Hong Kong
                        Shou Sing Pharmaceutical Co., Taiwan and others
    Toxic Ingredients:  Phenylbutazone, aminopyrine, indomethacin,
                        hydrochlorothiazide, chlordiazepoxide,
                        methyltestosterone, prednisone, diazepam,
                        chlorozoxozone, acetaminophen, lead, cadmium.
    Adverse reactions:  Death, agranulocytosis, coma, sedation, increased
                    male sex characteristics.

3.  Product name:       Cinnabar Sedative Pills
    Manufacturer:       Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works, Lanchow, China
    Toxic ingredients:  Cinnabaris (mercury)
    Adverse reactions:  Death, Kidney disease, liver disease, diarrhea.

4.  Product name:       Comycin powder or syrup for children
    Manufacturer:       Thai Charoen Bhaeaaj, Thailand
    Toxic ingredients:  Chloramphenicol
    Adverse reactions:  Agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, cardiovascu1ar
                        collapse, hepatitis, vomiting, diarrhea.

5.  Product name:       Koong Yick Hung Far Oil
                    aka Red Flower Oil
    Manufacturer:       Koong Yick & Co. Ltd., Singapore
    Toxic ingredients:  70% Methyl salicylate, Methyl phthalate
    Adverse reactions:  Death, coma convulsions, vomiting, headache.

6.  Product name:       Niu Huang Chieh Tu Pien
    Manufacturer:       Peking Tung Jen Tang, Peking, China
    Toxic ingredients:  Borneo Camphor
    Adverse reactions:  Death, convulsions, tremors, nausea, vomiting,

7.  Product name:       Niu Huang Xiao Yan Wan
                        aka Bezoar Antiphlogistic Pills
    Manufacturer:       Suzhou Lei Yung Shang, Chinese Medicine Works,
                        Jiangau, China
    Toxic ingredients:  Realqar 19.23% (Arsenic Disulfide)
    Adverse reactions:   Exfoliation and pigmentation of skin, altered
                         formation, degeneration of liver and kidneys.

8.  Product name    :    Noxa Capsules
    Manufacturer    :    Krungdheb Pharmacy Ltd. Part., Bukkalo, Dhonburi
    Toxic ingredients:  Phenylbutazone, chlordiazepoxide
    Adverse reactions:  Death, agranulocytosis, convulsions, seizures,
                         mental confusion, tiredness, weakness.

9.  Product name:        Po Ying Tan Baby Protector
    Manufacturer:        Po Che Tong Poon Mo Um Co., Hong Kong
    Toxic ingredients:  20% camphor
    Adverse reactions:   Death, convulsions, tremors, nausea, vomiting,

10. Product Name:   Tongyi Tang Diabetes Angel Pearl Hypoglycemic Capsules
               Tongyi Tang Diabetes Pearl Hypoglycemic Capsules
               Diabetes Hypoglucose Capsules
               Pearl Hypoglycemic Capsules
               Zhen Qi Capsules

               Raw Materials:  Zhenqi (Zhen Qi) Powder
                             Shentong Powder

Shippers:      Harbin Dong Fang International Trading Corp.
               No. 68 Dong Feng St. Dist. Harbin
               Aphin, China
               FEI# 3002158294

               China Hua Yang Technology & Trade Corp.
               No. 13, South Xin Hua St, He Ping Men
               Beijing, 10052, China
               FEI# 1000280039

Toxic Ingredient:   Glyburide and Phenformin

Adverse reaction:   Fatigue, excessive hunger, profuse sweating, numbness of

11. Product name      :  Tse Koo Choy
    Manufacturer      :  WangHing Co., Ltd., Hong Kong
    Toxic ingredients:   Mercurous chloride, santonin
    Adverse reactions:   Mental and sensory disturbances, mental
                         deterioration, pink to red coloring of
                         extremities, tremor, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,

12. Product name    :    Wong Lop Kong Oil
    Manufacturer    :    Wong Lap Kwong Medicine Co. Ltd., Hong Kong
    Toxic ingredients:  20% camphor
    Adverse reacitons:  Death, convulsions, tremors, nausea, vomiting,

13. Product Name    :   Zhong Gan Ling
    Manufacturer      :   Meizhou City Pharmaceutical Manufactory
                         Guangdong, China
                         FEI# 3000148401
    Toxic Chemicals :   Aminopyrine
    Adverse Reactions:  Blood dyscrasia

Product codes for the above may include the following:  31K99,
31P99, 54E99, 54F08, 54F99, 54Y99, 66V99.

.    Product Name:  Dianolyn Capsules
                    Dimelstat Capsules

                    Raw Materials:  Dianolyn Powder (bulk)

     Shippers:      HeilongJiang Provincial Hechang Import & Export Ltd.
                    Co. Ltd.
                    Harbin, China
                    FEI# 3002799803

     Manufacturer:  Harbin Zhongshan Diabetes Research Institute
                    Harbin, China
                    FEI# 3003028087

     Toxic Ingredient:   Glyburide

     Adverse reaction:   Fatigue, excessive hunger, profuse sweating, numbness
                         of extremities


1. Product name:    Madame Pearl's Cough Syrup
   Manufacturer:    The Luxembourg Medicine Co. Ltd. Hong Kong
          *This drug contains an ingredient, codeine, specially regulated
          because of its abuse potential.

2. Product name:    Leung Pui Kee Cough Pills
   Manufacturer:    Leung Pui Kee Medical Factory, Hong Kong
          *This drug contains Dover's Powder-ipecac and opium powder,
          specially regulated because of its abuse potential.

3. Product name:    Fructus Persica Compound Pills
   Manufacturer:    Lanzhou Fo Ci Pharmaceutical Factory, Lanzhou, China
          *This drug contains an ingredient, Cannabis indica seed, specially
          regulated because of its abuse potential.


1.  Product name:   Chih Pai Pa Wei Wan
    Manufacturer:   Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works, Lanchow, China

2.  Product name:        Chinese Chufeng Toukwwan
    Manufacturer:   China National Chemical Import and
                         Export Branch. Kwangtung Branch

3.  Product name:   Dendrobium Moniliforme Night Sight Pills
    Manufacturer:   Tientsin Drug Manufactory, Tientsin, China

4.  Product name:   Dendrobium Moniliforme Night Sight Pills (Superior)
    Manufacturer:   Tsinan People's Medicine Works, Tsinan, China

5.  Product name:        Grippe Tea and Pills
    Manufacturer:        None identified.

6.  Product name:        Hui Chun Tan
    Manufacturer:        United Pharmaceutical Manufactory, Kwang Chow, China

7.  Product name:        Huku Wan "Tiger Bone Pills"
    Manufacturer:        Fu Sung Pharmaceutic Works, China

8.  Product name:        Jiguacao Wan
    Manufacturer:        Yulin Drug Manufactory, Kwangsi, China

9.  Product name:        Lidan Tablets
    Manufacturer:        Tsingtao Pharmaceutical Works, Tsingtao, China

10. Product name:        Lidan Paishi Tablets
    Manufacturer:        Qingdao Medicine Works, Qingdao, China

11. Product name:        Lingzhi Co. Tablets
    Manufacturer:        China National Chemicals I/E Corp., Kwang Chow Branch

12. Product name:        Lychee Brand Chang Chow Pien Tze Huang
    Manufacturer:        Changchow Pharmaceutical Factory, Fukien

13. Product name:        Lycium-Rehmannia Pills
    Manufacturer:        Lanzhou Fo Ci Pharmaceutical Factory, Lanzhou, China

14. Product name:        Moschus fel Ursi Chufeng Toukuwan
    Manufacturer:        China National Medicine and Health Products 1/E Corp.,
                         Guangxi Wu Chow Branch, China

15. Product name:        Musk Fu Quat Chui Fong Pills
    Manufacturer:        None indicated, Kwang Chow, China

16. Product name:        Niu Huang Chang Ya Wan
    Manufacturer:        Tianjin Drug Manufactory, Tianjin, China

17. Product name:        Shu Kan Wan (Hepatico-Tonic Pills)
    Manufacturer:        Lanchow Chinese Medicine Works, Qingdao Medicine
                    Works, China

18. Product name:        Sit Wo Tong "Ng Po Powder"
    Manufacturer:        Sungib Industrial Center, Hong Kong

19. Product name:        Specific Juk Tsyn Wan
    Manufacturer:        Kwangchow United Manufactory of Chinese Medicine

20. Product name:        Superior Fu Fang Jin Qian Chao Pill
    Manufacturer:        China National Medicine and Health Products I/E Corp.
                         Guangxi Branch, China

21. Product name:        Superior Sore Throat Powder Spray
    Manufacturer:        Fitshan Hang Chun Medicine Factory, Fitshan, China

22. Product name:        Tong Shap Yee's Asthma Pills
    Manufacturer:        Tong Shap Yee Medicine Company Ltd., Hong Kong

23. Product name:        Wei Te Ling
    Manufacturer:        Tsingtao Medicine Works, Tsingtao, China

24. Product name:        Yang Hsin Ning Shen Wan
    Manufacturer:        United Pharmaceutical Manufactory, Kwangchow, China

25. Product name:        Yu Gong Hui Li Wan
    Manufacturer:        China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products I/E
                         Corp., China

26. Product name:        Yunnan Produce Tienchi Pill Raw
    Manufacturer:        Kunming Native Drug Factory, Yunnan, China

                            ATTACHMENT C               3/17/04

The following substances are being promoted in the United States through
the mail by the Best Associates Co., Ltd., 11558 South St. #43, Cerritos CA
90701 as chinese medicines.  Manufacturer/Shipper of the products is
unknown.  Ingredients are listed where known:


     DRUG CLAIMS                 INGREDIENTS

Recovery and maintenance   Changbai Mountain
of male sexual capability and    Ginseng, Cornv,
increase sexual desire.          Cervipantotrichum,
                                 Penis Otarine, Penis
                                                                Carvi, Herba Epimedii,
                                 and Gecko, etc.

                              TA HUO LO TAN

       DRUG CLAIMS               INGREDIENTS

Improves vein and arteries       Radix Silens, Radix
relieving lower back pain,       Ginseng, Honey, Radix
shoulder ache, back pains,       Angelicae, Sinesis,
high blood pressure, etc.,       Rhizoma Coptidis and
and is beneficial to blood       Rhizoma Gastrodiae, etc.
circulation, detoxification,
and recovering from fatigue.

                          CHEN LUNG HERBAL PILLS

DRUG CLAIMS                      INGREDIENTS

Effective in improving           Radix ginseng, Cortex
energy to the body.              Cinnamomi, Radix
                                 Rehmannies, Rhizoma
                                 Gastrodiae, Ophiopogon
                                 and Herba Epimedii, etc.

                              PIEN TZE HUANG

DRUG CLAIMS                      INGREDIENTS

Treatment for acute and          Musk 3%, Cow Bezoar 5%,  (chronic)
hepatitis,                       Pupalia Geniculata 85%,
prevention of                    and Snake Gall 7%
cirrhosis, hangovers, and

                                YUN WU TEA

DRUG CLAIMS                      INGREDIENTS

Effective in relieving           Unknown

                          SAN XIAO DIABETIC PILLS

DRUG CLAIMS                      INGREDIENTS

For diabetes, frequent           Radix Ginseng, Honey,
urination, nervous               Pueraria Lobata,
exhaustion, mental-              Glycyrrhiza Uralensis,
physical fatigue, eye            Fructus Mume and
sight failing, etc.              Trichosanthes Kinlowii,


DRUG CLAIMS                      INGREDIENTS

Inhibits various cancer          Various trace elements
cells, prevents development      essential to the body
cancers, aging, prolongs         such as silenium,
life, reinforces immunity        molybdenum, borosilicate
and strengthens body             strontium, soluble
strength.                        proteins, amino acids,
                                 vitamins, polysaccharides,

PRODUCT NAME                     INDICATIONS

Dragonlife Sexual                This capsule is a
Capsule                          powerful sexual
                                 stimulant and is
                                 excellent for decline
                                 of sexuality, it can
                                 lengthen your sexual
                                 intercourse time.

Evening Primrose                 To reduce fat,
Oil Capsule                      cholesterol, obesity,
                                 prevent pimples,
                                 maintain youth and

Sunghwakiang                     Prevents impotence,
Philteo Tablet                   aspermic and male
                                 hypogonadism.  Helps
                                 to strengthen the bones,
                                 ligaments, limber and
                                 patella, and memory.

Kang Wei Huan Jian               Weak kidney and knees,
Pills                            cold limbs, mental
                                 fatigue, anxiety,
                                 headache, asexuality,
                                 prospermia, impotence;
                                 promotes the normal growth of
                                 male genitals and
                                 maintains normal sexual

Chinese Fu Wei Pill                                             Unhealthy body, lack of
                                                                blood or spirit, growing
                                                                old, under grown, over
                                                                working, neurasthenia,
                                                                cannot sleep, loss of
                                                                appetite and sex desire.

Perfect Manhood Pill       Impotence, nocturnal
                                 emission, lumbago, white
                                 hair & beard, frequent

Fuchingsong Shiaodu              Itch due to skin/palm
Chieyang Capsules                ulcers, drug-allergic
                                 itch damp-heat type
                                 scrotum/crotch itch,
   papules and/or acne,
                                 chronic tinea and skin
                                 and skin ailments of all

Niu Huang Ching            Febrile illness,
Hsin Wan                   dysphasia, delirium,
   vertigo, fever,
                                 annoyance, panic,
                                 excessive expectoration
                                 difficulty in the
                                 movement of one side of
                                 the body, facial nerve
                                 disorder, carpopedalis

Pai Feng Wan                     Debility, anemia,
                                 colliquative sweating
                                 due to general weakness
                                 lumbar aching, atony of
                                 the legs, giddiness,
                                 abdominal pains, profuse
                                 leucorrhea, sudden
                                 discharge of blood, and
                                 weakness after child-

Changbai Mountain                Anemia, rheumatism,
Ginseng Capsules                 headaches, neurosis,
                                 mucous congestion,
                                 irregular blood pressure,
                                 cardiovascular troubles,
                                 ulcer, senility, weak
                                 eyesight, night
                                                                blindness, diabetes,
                                 insomnia, sterility and
                                 poor physical state.

Yen Chien Ning                   Cure for catarrhal
                                 inflammation of the upper
                                 respiratory tract,
                                 angina, tonsilitis,
                                 lymphadenitis, narisitis,
                                 ulcer, pneumonia and
                                 abscess, etc.

Sea Horse                        Poor nourishment, Anemia,
Genital Tonic                    Palpitation, Shortness of
Pills                            breath, Lumbagoand pains
                                 in legs, poor memory and
                                 consumptive coughs.

Yu Quan Thirst-            Applicable in the treatment of
Removing Pills             diabetes such as yearning for
   drinking water so as to relieve
   one's thirst, eating a great deal
   and frequently passing urine
   which is turbid and also in the
   treatment of vague sight due to
   headache and dizziness.

Ley Joong Pills            Weak spleen and stomach, constant
                           expectoration, cough at night, vomitting
                           sensation, giddiness, and general weakness.

Peking Royal               Loss of body-weight, fatigue,
Jelly Capsule              weakness in mental and physical
   energy, poor appetite, and falling
   off of hair.  Liver diseases,
   degenerative conditions of the
   nervous systems, arthritis,
   rheumatism, anemia, peptic ulcer,
   and other ulcerative conditions
   of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tiengi Tuzhung             Reinforcing vital energy or
Pills                      essence of the liver and kidney,
   strengthening the bones, reducing
   blood pressure.

Tzep Ao Sanpien Pills      Untimely senility, neurasthenia,
   sores wait and back, overburdens of
   the brain, anemia, dizziness, poor
   memory, involuntary perspiration,
   insomnia, pale faces, poor appetite,

Costrit Slimming Creme     Contain many chinese plants, reduce
   belly wrinkles and make skin

 Venus Men's Towel         This is a health product for men.  It can             prolong
   erection and increase sensation,                     especially better
   for men suffering from                           premature ejaculation.

Duzhong Jianyawan          A neutriment for hepar and ren; clearing
   heat in hepar lowering blood pressure.

Red Peach Hair Tonic       This agent has an extraordinary effect
   on prevention of alopecia.  Thin hair
   and bald head.  It can also give good
   treatment for inborn patcy

101 Hair Tincture          There is good nourishment for hair, it can
   prevent hair loss after diseases.  Bald
   head and promote hair growth.

China No. 1                China's No. 1 magical solution is an
Tian Xian Liquid           effective remedy for curing cancer,
   especially in the middle or late stage
   of illness.  It is made with purely
   natural substances.

The United Pharmaceutical        Shou Wu Chih Tonic
Manufactory of Kwangchow         Product Codes may include:
Kwangchow, PROC                  54Y--99
The Peoples Republic of China    31P--08
MID: CNUNIPHAKWN                 66V--99
FEI# 1000327427                  HTS codes may also vary

China-Japan FEIDA Union Ltd.                                    China No. 1 Tian Xian liquid, capsules
8/F Hecny Tower, 9 Chatham Road                                 and suppositories
Kowloon, Hong Kong         (Claims: China's No. 1 magical
FEI# 3004282657            solution is an effective remedy for curing
   cancer, especially in the middle or late
   stage of illness. It is made with purely
   natural substances.