(NOTE:  This import alert represents the Agency's current guidance to FDA field personnel
regarding the manufacturer(s) and/or product(s) at issue.  It does not create or confer any rights
for or on any person, and does not operate to bind FDA or the public.)

TYPE OF ALERT   :   Detention Without Physical Examination

PRODUCT              :   Insulin

PRODUCT CODE   : 61P17, 61P23

PROBLEM              : Reimportation of Insulin - OASIS Charge: AGRINSULIN

PAF (Problem
    Area Flag)               : AAP

COLLECTION        : 56008H

COUNTRY              : United States

 and FEI                      : N/A

 and FEI                      : N/A

 and FEI                     : N/A

CHARGE                :  "The article is subject to refusal of admission pursuant to Section 801(d)(1)
                         in that it is a drug composed wholly or partly of insulin, manufactured in
                         the United States and offered for import by a party other than the
                         manufacturer, and reimportation has not been  authorized by the Secretary
                         for use in a medical emergency as provided under Section 801(d)(2)."

OFFICE                   :    CDER/Office of Compliance/Division of Prescription Drug Compliance
                              and Surveillance, HFD-330

ALERT                    :    Section 801(d)(1) of the FD&C; Act was amended on November 21, 1997,
                              under the FDA Modernization Act of 1997. This provision of the Act is
                              generally referred to as the American Goods Returned provision.  The Act
                              has been amended to include products composed wholly or partly of
                              insulin.  Therefore, insulin manufactured in the United States and exported,
                              may not be re-imported into the United States unless the insulin is imported
                              by the manufacturer of the drug.  Further, Section 506 of  the Act (21 USC
                              356), concerning certification of products composed wholly or partly of
                              insulin, has been repealed.  Therefore, insulin no longer needs to be
                              certified by FDA to be legally shipped in interstate commerce.  Insulin
                              products continue to require effective new drug applications under section
                              505 of the Act.  In addition, they must meet the requirements of sections
                              501 and 502, in that they must not be adulterated or misbranded.

GUIDANCE            :    Districts may detain without physical examination all products composed
                         wholly or partly of insulin, with the United States as the country of origin
                         (American Goods Returned), when:

                         801(d)(1):  the product is imported by a party other than the
                         manufacture of the drug; and

                    801(d)(2):  the reimportation is not authorized by the Secretary (or
                    a delegated authority) in the case of a medical emergency.

               For questions or issues concerning science, science policy, sample
               collection, analysis, preparation, or analytical methodology, contact the
               Division of Field Science at (301) 443-3320 or 3007.

GUIDANCE            : II

FOI                          : No purging is required.

KEYWORDS           : Insulin, American Goods Returned

PREPARED BY       : Fredda C. Shere-Valenti, DIOP, (301) 443-6553

INTO FIARS            : March 5, 1998