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NSF A Partnership of the National Science Foundation and Time For Kids

Time for Kids

Girl coming down slide  
find out why banner Vol 1. No.6


  Fast! Faster! Fastest!
Imagine that you're at the top of a fast slide!

Activities Head

The InvestiGator

Slide, Quarter, Slide!

Focus on Friction

The InvestiGator

Now Head Outside and Slide!



Scientists of the Month

1998 Bayer?NSF Award Winners

Find Out More! head

Our Cool Science Books of the Month:
The Science Book of Motion, by Neil Ardley (Harcourt Brace; 29 pages; $9.95; 1992). In this book, you’ll find more great experiments that you can do yourself.

Force & Motion: An Eyewitness Book, by Peter Lafferty (Dorling Kindersley Limited; 64 pages; $15.95; 1992). You’ll need an adult to help you with this one, but its packed with pictures and short articles about why things work the way they do.

Our Cool Science Websites of the Month:
http://www.pbs.org/saf/5_cool/5_cool.html Discover a whole summers worth of great science activities at this site.

http://Landau1.phys.Virginia.EDU/Education/Teaching/HowThingsWork/home.html Why? How? Bring a good science question to this site, and this scientist will give you a good answer.

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