Logo Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada

Earthquake Index Map

---> Please visit our reorganized earthquake pages at - http://quake.usgs.gov/ <---
including new CA-NV pages at - http://quake.usgs.gov/recenteqs/latest.htm

Did you feel it? - Click Here
Shakemaps - Southern CA || Northern CA

Click on an earthquake on the above map for a zoomed-in view.
Special maps: Long Valley || Los Angeles || San Francisco || Parkfield
Earthquake lists: big earthquakes || all earthquakes
Magnitude = ? for new earthquakes until a magnitude is determined (takes 4-5 minutes).
Maps are updated within 1-5 minutes of an earthquake or once an hour.
(Smaller earthquakes in southern California are added after
human processing, which may take several hours.)
Map need updating? Try reloading the page to your browser.
Brown lines are known hazardous faults and fault zones.

Other Information:

How do earthquakes get on these maps? || FAQs || Disclaimer
Earthquakes elsewhere in the U.S. and around the world
Top page || Other sites for this eq info || Other earthquake sites || Credits

Data Sources:

Northern California - USGS = U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park
Northern California - UCB = University of California, Berkeley
Southern California - USGS = U.S. Geological Survey, Pasadena
Southern California - Caltech = California Institute of Technology
Southern California - UCSD = University of California, San Diego
Nevada - UNR = University of Nevada, Reno
US and World - USGS/NEIC = National Earthquake Information Center
Offshore = West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
...all members of the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS)

Please email suggestions and comments to webmaster@ehznorth.wr.usgs.gov