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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 6: South Central
  Serving Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas and 66 Tribes
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You and Your Environment -

- Around the Region -
(800) 887-6063
About Region 6 Public Information Center Feature Article Archives
Region 6 Clean Air Plans Visiting Region 6 Region 6 Biographies
Region 6 Ozone Reports Request a Speaker Tribal Links
You and Your Environment   State Links

- What You Can Do to Help Our Environment -

There are many things you can do to improve and enhance your community and help our environment. From taking the bus or train instead of driving, to participating in your city or town's recycling program, you can do your part to help our environment. Here are some tools and information to help.There are many things you can do to improve and enhance your community and help our environment. From taking the bus or train instead of driving, to participating in your city or town's recycling program, you can do your part to help our environment. Here are some tools and information to help.

Fall colors photo
- Helpful Hints -
Learn About Your Environment - EPA's Student Center
Get involved in your community - Concerned Citizens Resources
Reduce air pollution - Learn about Ozone
Recycle whenever possible - Recycling Resources
Use public transportation - Public transportation route and schedule information
Use energy-efficient products - Look for the Energy Star label
Remember the Past - Protect the Future - 30 Years of Environmental Progress
- Tools for Environmental Awareness -
EPA Sites
Window to My Environment - A powerful new Web-based tool that provides a wide range of federal, state, and local information about environmental conditions and features in an area of your choice.
Environmental search by ZIP Code - Environmental information on your community
Environmental maps - Maps of Region 6 and the United States
Envirofacts - Access to environmental data Texas
Surf your watershed - Learn about the water you drink and use
Tools, Technical Assistance & Training - Additional environmental resources
Environmental Sites Maintained by Other U.S. Government Agencies Exit EPA
NASA's Earth Observatory
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Natural Resources Conservation Service - U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Government Web Sites The official list from the Library of Congress


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