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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse


Tribal Program

Tribal governments have distinct roles in cleanups of Federal facilities under treaties with the U.S. government. Accordingly, FFRRO works in partnership with tribal governments, both at the facility level and at the national policy-making level. The framework for FFRRO tribal involvement is a Tribal Strategy that is designed to address the needs of and mitigate impacts to Indian Tribes, including Alaskan Native villages, living on or near Federal facilities. It includes:

  • Working with tribes on a government-to-government basis consistent with EPA’s trust responsibility to protect tribal health and environments
  • Involving tribes in the cleanup process through meaningful dialogue that respects the unique needs of each community
  • Developing partnerships that will enhance capacity and participation in the environmental decision making process at Federal facilities

EPA's Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO) provides financial assistance to the Tribal Association on Solid Waste and Emergency Response (TASWER) Exit disclaimer, established in 1998 in part to provide a government-to-government mechanism for proactively involving tribes in tribal solid waste and Federal facility cleanup programs.

An important focus of the Tribal Strategy is for improved communication with Native Americans living on or near Federal facilities regarding progress made throughout the environmental restoration process. To strengthen this communication, FFRRO is working to involve tribes in the cleanup process through various forums.

Talking Stick: A general brochure about EPA's involvement at closed Department of Defense and Energy sites around Indian Country

Tribal Program

Key Tribal Links:

EPA's American Indian Environmental Office

Department of Defense (DoD) Activites and Native American Environmental Tracking System Exit disclaimer track information regarding DoD environmental impacts on tribal lands

Department of Energy (DOE) State and Tribal Working Group Exit disclaimer ensures DOE facilities are cleaned-up in compliance with all laws and Tribal rights are met

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Tribal Affairs Office Exit disclaimer strives to address environmental health issues unique to tribes


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