Frontiers, the Electronic Newsletter of the National Science Foundation


Welcome to our expanding Frontiers.

May/June 1998 Frontiers cover, Cancer Detection Goes Digital 

Each month the electronic version of Frontiers 

and its print counterpart profile important work 

funded by the National Science Foundation. 

Topics include advances in math and science 

research, breakthroughs in engineering, and 

achievements in educational programs. 

Also featured: coverage of major public policy 

issues that will affect the Foundation's future, as 

well as the future of the research and education 


- May/June 1998 -

Cancer Detection Goes Digital
An emerging technology known as digital mammography offers a highly precise and reliable new way to detect and diagnose breast cancer.

Snails, Fish and Gravity Sensors: On a Mission to Find Answers
Snails and fish traveled into space as part of a research project to study the development of gravity-sensing systems.

North of Norway: A Natural Lab
An Arctic seafloor mud volcano, with its unique characteristics and life forms, is keeping oceanographers intrigued.

Joining Forces to Track a Seabird
Biologists unite with schoolchildren to satellite-track two species of albatross.

Nature's Complex Connections
New research sheds light on the complexity of forest ecosystems.

Federally Financed Academic R&D Expenditures Hold Firm
A data brief reports on the federal government's research and development expenditures at universities and colleges.


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