Press Room


November 5, 2004

Statement of Secretary John Snow on October Employment Report

The growing strength of the U.S. economy is further evident in today's employment report. For the fourteenth consecutive month, jobs were added in America. With the addition of 337,000 jobs in October and upward revisions to August and September, roughly 2.4 million jobs have been created since August of 2003, with 2 million so far in 2004. The unemployment rate remains below the average of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.

There can be no doubt that President Bush's tax relief, combined with good monetary policy, the strength of our small-business sector, and our outstanding workforce, has led to a growing economy that is producing good jobs for American families. With the pro-growth economic policies put forward by President Bush, and the unwavering strength of the American people, the U.S. economy will continue on its upward path of progress bringing rising prosperity to families across the nation.