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NOAA Issues Update To 2004-05 Winter Outlook

With winter approaching, NOAA today issued its final U.S. winter outlook for December 2004 through February 2005.

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U.S. Climate Reference Network Proves Valuable Within One Year Of Operation  

NOAA Recognizes Napa, Calif., As “StormReady” 

After nearly a year of full-scale operation, the U.S. Climate Reference Network is already helping to improve the tracking of temperature and precipitation trends, giving NOAA scientists and the nation’s decision makers more insight into climate variability and change. 

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Officials from NOAA's National Weather Service recognized the City of Napa, Calif., today as a leader by naming it among the agency's "StormReady" communities.


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Thanksgiving Outlook October Review

Extended forecasts from the National Weather Service include the holiday.


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Last month, the contiguous United States experienced its eighth wettest October on record, with wetter-than-average conditions across much of the nation, except the East Coast.

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Buried in Buffalo: Lake-effect snow sets records in western New York in November 2000.

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 Page last modified: 19-Nov-2004 10:20 AM