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[NAPCS Logo]
North American Product
Classification System

Provisional Aggregation Structure
in Product Lists

The products shown in each product list (see the Product List links on the NAPCS Home Page) are presented in the context of a provisional aggregation structure agreed to by the three countries. These structures contain logical groupings of products developed through extensive research by the trilateral working groups and through expansive collaboration with industry experts from the respective countries. However, it must be emphasized that the provisional NAPCS aggregation structures and the associated working group codes shown in these product lists bear no necessary relationship to the final NAPCS structure that will be developed in subsequent phases of this initiative.

Under the final NAPCS, each product will carry a common title, definition, and product code across all industries that produce it, and the aggregation structure will group products regardless of industry in a manner that reflects how products are used from a demand-side perspective that will support studies of market share, demand for goods and services, import competition, and similar studies (see discussion papers 1 and 2 under the Discussion Paper link on the NAPCS Home Page).

In contrast to the final NAPCS structure, the primary purpose of these provisional and industry-orientated aggregation structures is to facilitate refining product detail and obtaining agreement on the trilateral levels of product detail shown in each list, as provisional targets of comparability in the collection and publication of product data for the industries covered by that list. Moreover, the detailed products displayed in the individual lists are presently being examined to identify many products common to multiple lists and to establish standardized titles and definitions for those products.