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Internet Help for Incontinence

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  • WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26 (HealthDayNews) -- An online forum for people affected by incontinence has been launched by the National Association for Continence.

    The Bladder Control Forum aims to educate people with bladder problems, their caregivers and the general public about the issue to improve the quality of life for people with incontinence.

    Incontinence refers to the loss of bladder or bowel control, which can result in leaking or accidents. Not a disease in itself, incontinence rather is a symptom of a variety of disorders and conditions, including birth defects, pelvic surgery, injuries to the pelvic region or spinal cord, neurological diseases, multiple sclerosis, infection, poliomyelitis and degenerative changes associated with aging.

    About 80 percent of people with urinary incontinence can be cured or improved. For example, simple changes in diet or the elimination of medications such as diuretics can cure incontinence in some people. Often, treatment involves a combination of medicine, behavioral modification, pelvic muscle re-education or surgery.

    Many people with incontinence need emotional support but are afraid or embarrassed to discuss the issue with family or friends. Organizers of the Bladder Control Forum hope it will provide an opportunity for people with incontinence to share their problems, challenges and experiences with others dealing with the same issues.

    More information

    Here's where you can find the Bladder Control Forum.

    (SOURCE: National Association for Continence, news release, November 2003)

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