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Water Resources of Washington State

Welcome to The United States Geological Survey
Welcome to the USGS Web page for the water resources of Washington State. This is your direct link to all kinds of water resource information. Here you'll find information on Washington's rivers and streams. You'll also find information about ground water, water quality, and many other topics. The USGS operates the most extensive satellite network of stream-gaging stations in the state, many of which form the backbone of flood-warning systems.

Water Science in the News >> -- Regional Water Issues >>
Mount St. Helens - Monitoring

Latest River Conditions
Check here for the latest real-time streamflow information for Washington rivers, from our extensive, satellite-linked network of gaging stations.

New Model To Help Manage Colville River Water Resources
Managers of water resources in the Colville River Watershed have a new tool to help guide their decisions, according to a report released by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The report was produced in cooperation with the Colville River Watershed Planning Team (Planning Team), for the 2000-2004 WRIA 59 Colville River Watershed Planning Project.

Glaciers Melting
SEATTLE -- Cascade mountain glaciers are melting and many could disappear in coming years and newly released information says a half century of warming weather is to blame. KPLU environment reporter Steve Krueger has the story.

Endangered Species Act - Spawning Salmon

Endangered Species Act
The listing of plants and animals under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) usually means that a balance must be struck between economic growth in an area and the protection and sustaining of natural resources.

Flood Hazards
Flooding is the natural hazard of most concern in Washington and affect lives in the State every winter and spring.

Water Availability
Water availability has been and remains the major long-term water issue in Washington.

Water Quality
The major water-quality issues in Washington are preserving the quality of public drinking water supplies and the effects of non-point-source contamination on ground and surface waters.

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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey, Tacoma, WA, USA
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Last modification: Wednesday, 07-Apr-2004 13:18:53 EDT
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