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land use, value, and management

Agricultural production is a major use of land, accounting for more than 46 percent of the U.S. land base. Agricultural land use is influenced by other land uses, including forest, residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and open space. The interaction among these sometimes-incompatible uses can lead to social conflict. Government is often called upon to resolve these conflicts. More overview...


Farmland Protection: The Role of Public Preferences for Rural Amenities—To investigate the relative importance of preserving different rural amenities associated with farmland, this report examines the enabling legislation of these programs across the 48 contiguous States, and the implementation of these programs in 5 Northeastern States. The report also assesses how farmland protection programs fit into the broader array of rural land conservation programs. AER-815 (10/02)

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"Development at the Urban Fringe and Beyond: Impacts on Agriculture and Rural Land-Examines forces driving urban development, its character and impacts on agriculture and rural communities, the means available to channel and control growth, and the pros and cons of potential Federal roles in responding to urban development and growth. AER-803 (7/01)"

recommended readings
Economics of Sequestering Carbon in the U.S. Agricultural Sector—Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases can be reduced by withdrawing carbon from the atmosphere and sequestering it in soils and biomass. This report analyzes the performance of alternative incentive designs and payment levels if farmers were paid to adopt land uses and management practices that raise soil carbon levels. Amber Waves summary article (March 2004)

Major Uses of Land in the United States, 1997—As the latest in the Major Land Use series, which started in 1945, this report summarizes cropland, forest, pasture and range, and miscellaneous and special uses such as urban, recreational, and parkland. The annual cropland portion of the series has been consistently maintained since 1910. Also see the companion data set, covering 1945-97. SB-973 (9/01)

Smart Growth: Implications for Agriculture in Urban Fringe Areas—Smart growth is a catch-all phrase to describe a number of land use policies for influencing the pattern and density of new development. Agricultural Outlook (4/01)

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recommended data products
Major Land Uses—State, regional, and national estimates of 15 major land uses, 1945-97.

Agricultural Land Values and Cash Rents—Current and historical

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recent research developments
Meetings, conferences, and activities of researchers involved in land use, value, and management research.

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related links
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)—USDA's data collection agency.

Federal Reserve Bank Surveys of Ag Land Values—Links to land value surveys.

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Maps related to land use and land value.

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for more information, contact: Charles Barnard
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page updated: August 17, 2004


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ARMS Update Newsletter

A Consideration of the Devolution of Federal Agricultural Policy

Devolution of Farm Programs Could Broaden States' Role in Ag Policy

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harmony between agriculture and the environment

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Farm/Rural Finance & Tax>Taxes

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Natural Resources, Environment, & Conservation>Wildlife

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