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Subject Map Title
Agricultural Chemicals and Production Technology Estimated Reduction in Acre-Treatments, 1997-98
Groundwater Vulnerability Index for Nitrogen Including Nitrogen from Manure, Early 1990's
Groundwater Vulnerability Index for Pesticides Weighted by Persistence and Toxicity, Early 1990's
Nitrogen from Point Sources (Excluding Confined Animal Operations), 1993
Regional Commercial Nutrient Use, Year Ending June 30,1998
Conservation & Environmental Policies Acres Remaining in the CRP, 1996
Average Annual Crop Insurance Indemnities and Disaster Payments, 1980's - 1990's
Average Annual Soil Erosion by Wind and Water on Cropland and CRP Land, 1992
Average Water-quality Benefits from 1992 CRP by NRI Polygon
Change in Erosion Between 1982 and 1992 in Watersheds with a High Proportion of Wetlands
Distribution of Highly Erodible Cropland on Rural, Non-Federal Land
Distribution of Wetlands on Rural Non-Federal Land, 1992
Distribution of Wetlands, 1780 - 1992
Estimated Change in the Distribution of CRP Lands
Estuary and Regional Programs for Water Quality, 1998
Excess Manure Nitrogen as a Percent of Recoverable Nitrogen for Counties Where Recoverable Nitrog…
Excess Manure Phosphorus as a Percent of Recoverable Nitrogen for Counties Where Recoverable P…
Gross Wetland Losses, 1982 - 92
Gross Wetland Losses, 1982-92
Percent CRP Lands, 1992
Production Flexibility Contract, Market Loss Assistance, and Loan Deficiency Payments, 1998
Residual Soil Nitrogen From Manure, Early 1990's
Value of Onsite Soil Productivity Loss
Wetlands Used in Crop Production, 1992
Crop Distributions Distribution of Barley, 1992
Distribution of Corn, 1992
Distribution of Cotton, 1992
Distribution of Fruit, 1992
Distribution of Hayland, 1992
Distribution of Nuts, 1992
Distribution of Oats, 1992
Distribution of Other Close Grown Crops, 1992
Distribution of Other Row Crops, 1992
Distribution of Pasture Land, 1992
Distribution of Potatoes, 1992
Distribution of Rice, 1992
Distribution of Sorghum, 1992
Distribution of Soybeans, 1992
Distribution of Sugar, 1992
Distribution of Tobacco, 1992
Distribution of Vineyards, 1992
Distribution of Wheat, 1992
General County Clusters of Farm Types
ERS U.S. Farm Resource Regions (black and white)
Extension Staffing, 1995
USDA Farm Production Regions
Global Climate Change Areas Where Climate is Suitable for Crop Agriculture (World)
Change in Crop and Pastureland, 1970-1990 (World)
FARM Model Regions (World)
Land Classes Under Current Climate (World)
Global Resources Average Annual Soil Erosion by Wind and Water on Cropland and CRP Land, 1992
Growth in Per Capita Food Production, 1980-95 (World)
IGBP Cropland
Land Quality
Mean Precipitation 1961 - 1996
Soil Orders and Locations of Experiments
Irrigation and Water Use Change in Acres of Land Irrigated 1982 - 1992 in Watersheds with a High Proportion of Wetlands
Fresh Water Withdrawals for Irrigation, 1990
Irrigated Land in Farms, 1992
Irrigated Land in Farms, 1997
Land Use Agricultural Real Estate Taxes per $100 of Full Market Value, 1998
Agricultural Real Estate Taxes, Average Per Acre, 1995
Average Value Per Acre of Farm Real Estate, January 1, 1999
County Average Net Cash Return Per Acre of Cropland
Distribution of Cropland in Land Capability Classes I, II, III on Rural Non-Federal Land
Distribution of Prime Cropland on Rural, Non-Federal Land
Elasticities of Land Values For Government Payments, Derived from Model, by LRR
Federal Lands by Type, 1992
Percent Change in Ag Real Estate Tax Per Acre, 1994-95
Percent Change in Farm Real Estate Value Per Acre (Nominal Dollars), 1987-99, 1998-99
Population Accessibility, 1990
Proportion of Foreign Owned Agricultural Land to All Privately Owned Agricultural Land, U.S., 12/97
U.S. Population Density, 1990

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page updated: January 1, 2001

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