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We have reorganized our Research Programs. Most of the research projects from this program are now organized under the Ecological Prediction Research Program.

Aquatic Contaminants Program image


There are two primary components within this research program:AQUATIC CONTAMINANTS and BIOGEOCHEMISTRY


Task Leader: Peter Landrum

The Aquatic Contaminants Research Program combines process studies and mathematical modeling focused on toxic organic contaminants to increase our understanding of the dynamics and effects of pollutants in the ecosystem.

The purpose of this research is to 1) determine processes that govern contaminant fluxes into and out of sediments, that mix contaminants within sediments, and that control the transfer of contaminants from sediments into the food chain, 2) develop methods for assessing the extent or degree of sediment contamination and for determining bioavailability and bioaccumulation of sediment associated contaminants, and 3) improve methods for interpreting the hazard of bioaccumulated contaminants by developing the time-dose response relationships based on accumulated body residue. click here for more general background information

Current Projects

Recent Aquatic Contaminants Research Program Publications
(See also Complete List of GLERL Publications)


Hwang, H., S.W. Fisher, K. Kim, and P.F. LANDRUM. 2004. Comparison of the toxicity using body residues of DDE and select PCB congeners to the midge, Chironomus riparius, in partial-life cycle tests. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 46:32-42.

LANDRUM, P.F., M. Leppanen, S.D. ROBINSON, D.C. GOSSIAUX, G.A. Burton, M. Greenberg, J.V.K. Kukkonen, B.J. EADIE, and M.B. LANSING. 2004. Comparing behavioral chronic endpoints to evaluate the response of Lumbriculus variegatus to 3,4,3´,4´-Tetrachlorobiphenyl sediment exposures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):187-194.

LANDRUM, P.F., M. Leppanen, S.D. ROBINSON, D.C. GOSSIAUX, G.A. Burton, M. Greenerg, J.V.K. Kukkonen, B.J. EADIE, and M.B. LANSING. 2004. Effect of 3,4,3´,4´-Tetrachlorobiphenyl on the reworking behavior of Lumbriculus variegatus exposed to contaminated sediment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23(1):178-186.


Burton, G. A. and P. F. LANDRUM. 2003. Toxicity of sediments. In Encyclopedia of Sedments and Sedimentary Rocks. G.V. Middleton, M.J. Church, M. Corigilo, L.A. Hardie, and F.J. Longstaffe (Eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 748-751.

Hwang, H., S. W. Fisher, K. Kim, P. F. Landrum, R. J. Larson, and D. J. Versteeg. 2003. Assessing the toxicity of dodecylbenzene sulfonate to the midge Chironomus riparius using body residues as the dose metric. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22(2):302-312.

Ingersoll, C. G., E. L. Brunson, N. Wang, F. J. Dwyer, G. T. Ankley, D. R. Mount, J. Huckins, J. Petty, and P. F. Landrum. 2003. Uptake and depuration of nonionic organic contaminants from sediment by the oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22(3):872-885.

Landrum, P. F., G. R. Lotufo, D. C. Gossiaux, M. L. Gedeon, and J.-H. Lee. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residue of PAHs in the amphipod, Diporeia spp.: Additional evidence to support toxicity additivity for PAH mixtures. Chemosphere 51:481- 489.

Landrum, P. F., L. L. Sano, M. A. Mapili, E. Garcia, A. M. Krueger and R. A. Moll. 2003. Degradation of chemical biocides with application to ballast water treatment. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-123. NOAA, Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, 37 pp.

Lozano, S. J., M. L. Gedeon, and P. F. Landrum. 2003. The effects of temperature and organism size on the feeding rate and modeled chemical accumulation in Diporeia spp. for Lake Michigan sediments. Journal of Great Lakes Research 29(1):79-88.

Nuurinen, S., P. F. Landrum, L. J. Schuler, J. V. K. Kukkonen and M. J. Lydy. 2003. Toxicokinetics of organic contaminants in Hyalella azteca. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 44:467-475.

Wilcoxen, S. E., P. G. Meier, and P. F. Landrum. 2003. The toxicity of fluoranthene to Hyalella azteca in sediment and water-only exposures under varying light spectra. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 54:105-117.

Yoo, L. J., J. A. Steevens and P. F. Landrum. 2003. Development of a new bioaccumulation testing approach: The use of DDE as a challenge chemical to predict contaminant bioaccumulation. EEDP Technical Notes Collection, ERDC/TN EEEDP-01-50. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS, 11 pp.

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(Task Leader: John Robbins)

The Biogeochemistry Research Program is designed to help answer questions and address issues about the ecosystem's biogeochemical response to stressors.

Employ radioactive and stable isotopes to establish geochronologies and probe major Great Lakes and coastal ecosystem processes and their alteration by anthropogenic stresses such as contamination and climatic variations, with emphasis on the carbon and nitrogen cycles, and the use of natural and fall-out here for more general background information

Current Project

This project is divided into the following sub-projects:

SP-00 Saginaw Bay
SP-1 Lake Erie Reference Sites
SP- 2 Composition and Flux of Settling Matter
SP-3 Recent Sedimentation Rates in Lake Ontario
SP-9 Sediment Focusing in Lake Erie
SP-11 Sediment Records of Contamination and Biologic Responses in Lake George
SP-16 Gamma Scan System
SP-33 Copper Mining Impacts in the Keweenaw Peninsula and Lake Superior
SP-37 Information Content of Sediments Accumulated in a Wrecked Ship
SP-39: Radionuclides, Metals and Organic Contaminants in Lake Ladoga Sediments
SP-43 Sediments in Florida Bay
SP-44 Accumulation and Mixing of Sediments in Lake Michigan
SP-45 Soil Accretion Rates in South Florida Wetlands
SP-47 Mississippi Basin Carbon Project
SP-48 Episodic Resuspension Events in Lake Michigan (EEGLE)
SP-49 Vertical Sediment Transport Models for Lake Tahoe
SP-50 Metal Contaminant Chronology of Recent Sediments near the Great Barrier Reef, Northern Australia

Recent Biogeochemistry Research Program Publications
(See also Complete List of GLERL Publications)

Kerfoot, W. C., S. L. Harting, R. Rossmann, and J. A. Robbins. 2003. Elemental mercury in copper, silver, and gold ores: an unexpected contribution to Lake Superior sediments with global implications. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 2:185-202 .

Cook, P. M., J. A. Robbins, D. D. Endicott, K. Lodge, P. D. Guiney, M. K. Walker, E. W. Zabel and R. E. Peterson. 2003. Effects of Aryl Hydrocarbon receptor-mediated early life stage toxicity on Lake Trout populations in Lake Ontario during the 20th Century. Environmental Science and Technology 37(17):3864-3877.

Past Aquatic Contaminants Projects

Past Biogeochemistry Projects

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Last updated: 2004-05-15 jjs