      About MDCB
    Laboratory and Field Accreditation
This workgroup was formed to coordinate the accreditation related activities of the various MDCB workgroups and communicate those efforts to the corresponding workgroups in the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) and the Environmental Laboratory Advisory Board (ELAB). The MDCB supports the NELAC accreditation plan in order to: (1) establish a uniform national accreditation process including the use of performance-based systems (PBMS), (2) develop uniform and consistent accreditation related policies and requirements, and (3) avoid duplication of effort. The accreditation Workgroup efforts are directed towards providing guidance to USGS, EPA, and other Federal, State and private sector agencies on NELAC accreditation issues.
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Contact Eric Vowinkel (vowinkel@usgs.gov) or Herb Brass (Brass.Herb@epa.gov)
Maintained by djsulliv@usgs.gov
Last Update: September 14, 2004