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National Patterns of R&D; Resources: 1994 - General Notes
NSF 95-304

General Notes

The National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsors a series of surveys to collect information on the financial and human resources devoted to research and development (R&D;). In this report such NSF survey data on the various sectors of the U.S. economy-industry, Government, academia, and selected nonprofit organizations-are aggregated so that the components of the overall R&D; effort are placed in a national context. Information presented in National Patterns includes the following:

The national totals reported here incorporate data available from the several Division of Science Resources Studies(SRS) surveys as of March 1, 1995, as well as projections to cover the entire year 1994.

These notes provide a brief introduction to the concepts used in the report. Important changes and revisions from previous National Patterns reports also are highlighted. For complete definitions, descriptions of projection methodologies, and references to the underlying survey reports, see appendix A.

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