Rep. Henry A. Waxman
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Wednesday, October 08, 2003
House Passes Government Network Security Act
The House has passed the Government Network Security Act (H.R. 3159), legislation introduced by Rep. Waxman and Chairman Davis that requires that federal agencies protect their computers and networks from the security risks posed by peer-to-peer file sharing.
- Bill Text: H.R. 3159

Thursday, September 25, 2003
Rep. Waxman and Chairman Davis Introduce Government Network Security Act of 2003
The Government Network Security Act of 2003 (H.R. 3159), introduced by Rep. Waxman and Chairman Davis, requires that federal agencies protect their computers and networks from the security risks posed by peer-to-peer file sharing.
- Fact Sheet
- Rep. Waxman's Statement

Thursday, May 15, 2003
Privacy and Security Risks of P2P File-Sharing
At a Committee on Government Reform hearing, Rep. Waxman and Chairman Davis released a report on the privacy and security risks posed by the use of popular peer-to-peer file-sharing programs like Kazaa.
- Rep. Waxman's Statement
- The Report

Thursday, March 13, 2003
Pornography on Peer-to-Peer Networks
The Committee on Government Reform held a hearing on children's access and exposure to pornography through Internet file-sharing programs. A GAO report and a staff report on the issue were released at the hearing.
- GAO Report
- Staff Report

Friday, July 27, 2001
Children's Access to Pornography Through Internet File-Sharing Programs
At the request of Rep. Waxman and Rep. Steve Largent, the Special Investigations Division examined a new and growing problem for parents throughout the United States: Internet file-sharing programs that provide children easy and free access to thousands of explicit pornographic videos and other pornographic materials.
- Rep. Waxman's Statement
- Staff Report


United States House of Representatives Rep. Henry A. Waxman Committee on Government Reform Minority Office
Commitee on Government Reform Minority Office | U.S. House of Representatives
Photo of Rep. Waxman: [c] 2004 Kay Chernush