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Federal State Relations
National Retail Food Team Operational Plan 2003
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Preformance Goals and Indicators

Performance Goal I: Assess the occurrence of CDC-identified risk factors and identify trends over time. The targeted improvement rate is to reduce by 25% the occurrences of CDC-identified risk factors that cause foodborne illness by October 1, 2010.

Performance Indicator:

The collection and tabulation of national baseline data designed to monitor the occurrences of CDC-identified risk factors in a representative cross-section of the industry. The initial baseline date will be compared to subsequent data to be collected in 2003 and 2007.

Discussion: The data from this project and future studies planned for 2003 and 2007 are expected to provide input into the Healthy People 2010 Food Safety Objective 10.6. This objective is designed to improve food preparation practices and food employee behaviors at institutional food service establishments, restaurants, and retail food stores.


The baseline data collection project initiated by FDA in 1998 - 1999 established a benchmark for measuring national trends in risk factor reduction over time. It also set forth a model for jurisdictions to use in determining their own baselines. These jurisdictional baselines provide a method to measure whether their programs are realizing a reduction in risk factor occurrences. State and local jurisdictions can compare their baseline data trends to the trends in the national baseline.

Simultaneous with this program effectiveness measurement, institutionalizing the Program Standards is occurring. The comprehensive approach of implementing those Standards is designed and expected to complement risk reduction.

Performance Goal II:

  1. A. Enroll 15 % (450) of the eligible jurisdictions (3000) in the Program Standards by October 1, 2010.
  1. B. Have at least 50 % of the enrolled jurisdictions each meet 25 % of the Standards as verified by an audit by October 1, 2010.
Performance Indicators:
  1. A Number of enrolled jurisdictions as shown on the National Listing.
  1. B. Count of the jurisdictions meeting 25 % (2 or more) of the Standards verified by an audit as shown on the National Listing.

Discussion: The program activities mentioned collectively below and outlined in Annex 2 are to encourage regulatory programs to strive to meet all nine voluntary program standards.


Drafting the criteria, building consensus via the Conference for Food Protection, field-testing, revising, marketing, interpreting, and supporting efforts related to the Standards are all activities to achieve endorsement and implementation of the Standards.

Performance Goal III: At least one hundred (100) State Regulatory Officers standardized on the FDA Food Code by October 1, 2002.

Performance Indicator:

Number of Standardization Certificates Issued to State Officials.

Discussion: The Standardization and Certification Procedures document is a tool for evaluating a person’s understanding and ability to: apply Food Code provisions; focus on risk factors and interventions; understand the flow of food within an establishment; integrate HACCP principles into the inspection process; utilize a risk control plan to encourage managerial control of risk factors and communicate food safety principles.


FDA provides the primary staff (“FDA Standards”) who originate the model codes, interpretations, and procedures for ensuring national uniform application of the Code provisions; and with whom resides responsibility for the ultimate resolution of related issues. This is accomplished by collaboration with technical experts, the regulatory retail food program managers, and other stakeholders and is channeled through the FDA Standards as they standardize and certify regulatory retail food program staff. Promotion of the Program Standards including the training and standardization component, as well as training via the Agency’s Division of Human Resource Development, play an integral role in achieving this Goal.

Performance Goal IV: Implementation of the recommendations in the Office of Inspector General’s final report on “Retail Food Safety” (September 7, 2001) and supporting activities.

Performance Indicator:

Completion of tasks per the schedule outlined in the DHHS response to the Inspector General

Discussion: The Office of Inspector General (OIG) study assessed the Food and Drug Administration’s role in State’s adoption and implementation of the model Food Code and the Voluntary Recommended National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards. Several recommendations were provided to FDA in the final report. An implementation plan was developed by the Retail Food Steering Committee to address the recommendations. In the implementation plan, we have set forth the agency’s current thinking about enhancing food safety at the retail level and provided timeline projections to complete each recommended action.


The specific activities associated with the Implementation Plan are detailed in Annex 4. They include such activities as regulation and guidance development, improved inspectional systems, leveraging foodborne disease and outbreak information with other federal agencies, and improved communication to the state and local stakeholders.

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