EPA Providing Alternate Water Supply - Parkview Well Site, Grand Island, Nebraska, November 2004
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7, in coordination
with the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ),
has conducted additional characterization activities at the Parkview
Well Superfund Site in Grand Island. This work included sampling
of ground water and several residential wells previously found
to contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at concentrations
above health based levels of concern. more
(2 pp., 24 KB)
Potawatomi Tribe, Kansas Department of Agriculture and EPA Sign
Agreement for Pesticides Activities
The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) hosted a signing ceremony
Nov. 10 for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for continued
coordination in implementing federal pesticide rules and regulations
within the boundaries of the PBPN. more
PUBLIC NOTICE: Clean Water Act, NPDES Enforcement, Class I -
Storm Water
Action: Notice of Proposed Assessments of Clean
Water Act Section 309(g) Class I Administrative Penalties and
Opportunity to Comment. more
Proposed Cleanup Plan, Public Comment - Offutt Air Force Base,
Bellevue, Nebraska, November 2004
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 invites
the public to comment on the proposed cleanup plan for Offutt
Air Force Base in Bellevue, Nebraska. Specifically, the proposed
cleanup plan addresses the Fire Training Area 3. In addition,
EPA proposes to modify Part II of the Hazardous Waste Storage
Permit to include the requirements of the remedy. more
(3 pp., 43 KB)
Record of Decision - Waterloo Coal Gasification Plant Site, Waterloo, Iowa, October 2004
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released
a Record of Decision (ROD) that addresses ground water contamination
at the Waterloo Coal Gasification Plant in Waterloo, Iowa. This
action is being taken under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as the Superfund
law. The ROD was signed on September 24, 2004. more
(2 pp., 22 KB)
Removal Action - Clinton Coal Gas Site, Clinton, Iowa, October 2004
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 7 will
hold a public availability meeting Monday, November 8, 2004, at
the Erickson Center, Room 4, 1401 11th Avenue North, Clinton,
Iowa. The purpose of the meeting is to announce the start up of
the Removal Action that will address coal tar contamination at
the Clinton Coal Gas Site in Clinton, Iowa. more
[PDF] (2 pp., 18 KB)
Record of Decision - Alcoa Site and Mississippi River Pool 15 Site, Riverdale,
Iowa, October 2004
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released
a Record of Decision (ROD) that addresses ground water contamination
at the Alcoa Site, and sediments and fish at the Mississippi River
Pool 15 (MRP15) Site in Riverdale, Iowa. This action is being
taken under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation
and Liability Act (CERCLA), also known as the Superfund law. The
ROD was signed on September 28, 2004. more
(2 pp., 22 KB)
EPA Awards Nearly $50,000 in EJ Grants for Kansas City and Omaha
EPA Region 7 has awarded two Environmental Justice research
grants in Kansas City and Omaha. This money will support
projects that examine issues related to a community’s exposure to
multiple environmental harms and risks. more
First Five-Year Review -
Missouri Electric Works Superfund Site, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, October 2004
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts regular
five-year reviews on certain Superfund sites where some contamination
remains on the site. These reviews are required by the Superfund
law [42 U.S.C. § 9621(c)].
Five-year reviews are conducted to make sure the actions taken at a site continue to protect human health and the environment. EPA Region 7 recently conducted its first five-year review for the Missouri Electric Works (MEW) site. The MEW Five-Year Review Report has been completed
and has been incorporated into the MEW Site Administrative Record.
more [PDF]
(2 pp., 26 KB)
7 Celebrates Water Monitoring |
Administrator Jim Gulliford and Region 7 staff joined about
30 students from Wheatridge Middle School and Edgerton, Kan.,
Mayor Frances Cross on Oct. 20 to test the water quality at
Edgerton Lake, commemorating World Water Monitoring Day, which
took place Oct. 18.
more Top photo: Gulliford examined invertebrate animal
specimens from the lake as student Mason Paegel looked on.
The presence of invertebrates can indicate the health of a
water body. Center left photo: Wheatridge students listened
as Gulliford discussed the importance of water quality and
watershed health. Center right photo: Students tested water
samples for various parameters, such as temperature, pH, and
dissolved oxygen. Region 7 staff also helped 32 local, state
and federal agencies and groups conduct the Week of Water
festival in Parkville, Mo., raising environmental awareness
in the Kansas City area. Bottom photo: Chemist Daniel Dorn
demonstrated water sampling techniques to an attentive family
at the EPA booth. |
EPA Scientist to Present Research at Geological Society Meeting
David Drake, a project officer for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Region 7
office in Kansas City, Kan., will present results of his research to the Geological
Society of America during its 116th annual meeting Nov. 17-20 in Denver. more
