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October 15, 2004         DOL Home > OALJ Home > DMS Search   

United States Department of Labor
Office of Administrative Law Judges

[Notice: If you experience problems using DMS Search, you may need to upgrade to a newer version of your web browser (e.g., IE 5.x or Netscape 6)]
The search criteria below will produce a results list from which users may select case docket cards. The docket card will either (1) provide a direct link to the decision (at present, only final ALJ actions on cases decided on or after November 1, 2000); (2) state that the decision may be found in the OALJ Archive (covers most decisions from 1996 through November 1, 2000); or (3) inform the user that a decision has not yet been issued in the case. Most decisions issued prior to 1996 are not available electronically in the archive; however, many reported decisions are available in electronic format in the OALJ Law Library Collections. [more information about DMS . . . ]

Search by Case Number
Year (2000) Case Type (BLA) Docket Number (00123)  
Help: In this field you must use a four digit year, a case name from the pick list, and a five digit docket number (use zeros in front of the entry to fill up the five spaces, e.g., 00123)

The most precise method for obtaining a particular case docket card is to use the full OALJ Case Number. Alternatively, in this field you can search the system using any part of case number. For example, using 2000 and ERA will produce a results lists that shows all ERA cases with a Fiscal Year 2000 Case Number.

Search by Claimant/Complainant Name
Claimant/Complainant Name:
Help: In this field you may use any part of the name -- first, last or full name. Because of the way information is entered into the DMS docket card, you may need to try both the Claimant/Complainant and Employer/Respondent fields. For alien labor certification cases, use the Claimant/Complainant field to search by name of the alien.

Search by Employer/Respondent Name
Employer/Respondent Name:

Help: In this field you may use any part of the name -- first, last or full name. Because of the way information is entered into the DMS docket card, you may need to try both the Claimant/Complainant and Employer/Respondent fields.

Search by Decision Date
Decision Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)

Help: In this field you must enter the search date exactly in this format: mm/dd/yyyy. For example, to search for cases decided on November 1, 2000, enter 11/01/2000.

More Information About DMS
The DMS only covers ALJ decisions. Decisions obtained from DMS should be considered bench opinions, and cited as a slip opinion. For reported ARB and ALJ decisions, go the OALJ Law Library.

The DMS was introduced into OALJ operations during 2000-2001. Thus, DMS linked ALJ decisions began for decisions issued on or after November 1, 2000. OALJ has begun loading older decisions into DMS where available, and eventually all OALJ electronic databases will be consolidated into DMS. At present, however, if a decision issued prior to November 1, 2000 is not found on a DMS search, users might find the decision in the OALJ Archive Directory Browsing Feature or a through a full-text search [use the search field in the header of this document]. Also, the OALJ Law Library collections may have links to older reported decisions.

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