BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Welcome to the French Market

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The U.S. Commercial Service in France is part of a global network (108 offices in the United States and 160 offices all over the world) of trade specialists dedicated to supporting U.S. commercial interests around the world. We offer comprehensive, export promotion assistance through a variety of programs and services. Our staff can help you identify potential business partners, obtain valuable market intelligence, and launch your company into the dynamic French marketplace.

Our commitment is to:
  • counsel U.S. companies on market opportunities, regulations and methods of doing business in France

  • provide assistance in locating agents and distributors in France

  • conduct market research targeted to the needs of U.S. companies in France

  • organize trade missions, tradeshows and seminars to promote the sale of U.S. products and services in France

  • identify major projects and support U.S. companies bidding on projects in France

See what the U.S. Commercial Service in France has to offer and why you can look to us as your international business advisor, your advocate and your partner in successful exporting.

Information in French for French Importers. Please click here

The services of the U.S. Commercial Service are provided solely to promote U.S. exports. To be eligible for U.S. Commercial Service services, your product or service must be manufactured in the United States, or if manufactured outside the United States, must be marketed under the name of a U.S. firm and have U.S. content representing at least 51% of the value of the finished product or service; and must be available for immediate export, unless custom manufactured.

I certify* that I will use the services and information provided by this site for purposes related to the export of goods and services from the United States.

*This certification is subject to the False Statements Act, 18 U.S.C. 1001.