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Web Browser Plug-ins

This  free software will enhance your online experience. Downloading is  simple but time-consuming. If you have never downloaded a plug-in before give it a try. It will be well worth the time spent. Start with Adobe Acrobat Reader as it is a smaller file that won't take as long to download.

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Free Acrobat Reader software allows you to view, navigate, and print PDF (Portable Document Format) files across all major computing platforms. PDF files are the de facto standard for the electronic distribution of documents because of their compact size, and because they retain the look and feel of the original document – including typography, page layout, and graphics. Acrobat Reader works as a plug-in with Netscape Navigator 2.0 or later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later. You may download a free copy of Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems. Follow the installation instructions provided.

RealOne Player

The RealOne Player streaming media system delivers rich media experiences to World Wide Web users through the synchronization and playback of multiple media types. You may download the free RealOne Player directly from RealNetworks (there is a fee for RealOne SuperPass). Follow the installation instructions provided.

QuickTime - Movie Player

QuickTime is the Apple technology that makes streaming video, sound, music, 3D and virtual reality come alive for both Macintosh and Windows. QuickTime VR (Virtual Reality) permits you to rotate objects, zoom in or out, look in any direction, and navigate from one scene to another. You may download free QuickTime from Apple (there is a fee for QuickTime Pro). Follow the installation instructions provided.

Windows Media Player

A media player from Microsoft that receives and plays back streaming audio and video over the Internet or intranet. You may download the free Media Player from Microsoft's website. Follow the installation instructions provided.

Macromedia Flash Player

A web player from Macromedia which allows Flash content to be displayed in your browser. Many newer browsers come with this plug-in already installed. You may download the free Flash Player from Macromedia's website. Follow the installation instructions provided.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 05-May-04 10:18:26 /yell/freeonli.htm