Interstitial Cystitis Association

ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) ABOUT THE ICA ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) PRESS RELEASES ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) FEATURE ARTICLES ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) PHYSICIANS' RESOURCES ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) OTHER ORGANIZATIONS ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) WHAT IS IC? ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) RESEARCH ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) CLINICAL TRIALS ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes)RELATED DISEASES ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) CYBERADVOCACY ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) PATIENT RESOURCES ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) WHAT'S COOKIN'? ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) AUDIO PRESENTATIONS ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) SUPPORTING THE ICA ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) TREATMENT OPTIONS ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) IC QUESTIONS ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) DISABILITY ISSUES ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) PAIN ISSUES ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) SUPPORT GROUPS ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) YOUR OPINION COUNTS! ArrowBullet.GIF (84 bytes) OUR SPONSORS (and free sample offers)

Welcome to the Interstitial Cystitis Association!

ICPainTakingControl.gif (17006 bytes) IC & Pain: Taking Control
A Handbook for People with IC and their Caregivers

IC & Pain: Taking Control is an absolute essential for every IC patient and healthcare provider.

IC & Pain: Taking Control is the first book dedicated exclusively to the pain issues unique to IC patients.

Includes chapters on Pain Basics, The Treatment of Pain, Chronic Pain Issues & Challenges, and Getting Help. This unique book reflects the most up-to-date thinking from renowned IC experts on how to manage IC pain successfully.

ICA Member Price: $10.00
Non-member Price: $12.50
Click here to order online.

ICA20thMeeting-SMALL.gif (2084 bytes)


The Official Transcript of
The ICA's 20th Anniversary National Meeting
October 2003

More than 50 pages of IC information from the foremost IC experts in the world today. This is a priceless publication. Get it while supplies last!
ICA Member Price: $20.00
Non-member Price: $30.00
Click here to order online.

IconQMark.gif (182 bytes) IC PATIENTS: PLEASE TAKE OUR "QUICK SURVEY #2" IconQMark.gif (182 bytes)

IC: Expert Opinions, Vol IJOIN or renew today to receive this exciting new premium (while supplies last).

The ICA's IC: Expert Opinions, Volume I

Third in the ICA's Pocket Guide series, this newly published, 40-plus page guide features thoughtful and thorough responses to some of the most common IC questions, answered by five of the world's top IC medical experts.


TributePic.gif (4173 bytes) ICA TRIBUTE GIFT PROGRAM

Would you like to honor or remember a special person, doctor, or occasion in your life?

Please click here to make a donation through our Tribute Gift Program.

IGive.gif (1787 bytes)

A Pain-Free Way to Give to the ICA

Founded in 1984, the Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA) is a not-for-profit health organization dedicated to providing patient and physician educational information and programs, patient support, public awareness and, most importantly, research funding. The ICA works nationwide on behalf of all IC patients:

To provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on IC.
To provide IC patients, their families and friends with a support network.
To educate the medical community and the public about IC.
To advocate in the public and private sectors for research funding and patients' rights.
To promote and provide research funding to find effective treatments and a cure for  IC.

We are proud to be the only not-for-profit national IC organization that promotes and provides funding for much needed IC research.

1. Do you suffer from other known IC-related chronic conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, allergies, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.?
2. Have you found any single treatment that helps all of your chronic, related conditions?
3. Which symptoms began first, your IC or any of your other conditions?
Other Conditions
Click here to view previous Quick Survey results

Cafe ICA

Don't forget to check out CAFÉ ICA! Your online digest for the latest interstitial cystitis medical highlights, self-help & coping strategies, and ICA news, brought to you by the Interstitial Cystitis Association.

Current issue:
CAFÉ ICA, Vol. 4, No. 9, 2004

The Many Faces of IC
SelfLogo-SMALL.gif (1985 bytes)Self Magazine Article Now Available Online
ICA20thMeeting-SMALL.gif (2084 bytes)Milestones in the History of the ICA has been updated to include 2003 accomplishments.
Preliminary results of "Quick Survey #2" are in.

ICA Survey: IC and Diet - RESULTS

Long Island Regional IC Forum
December 12, 2004. Featuring Dr. Robert Moldwin. Click here to download information, directions, and an enrollment form.

Bullet The Latest Clinical Trial Results: What Does it all Mean? (September 11, 2004)
Bullet New Elmiron Study Currently Recruiting (September 11, 2004)
Bullet New International IC Study Recruiting Patients (August 31, 2004)
Bullet ICA Professional Perspectives - Summer 2004 (July 30, 2004)
Bullet University of Maryland and National Cancer Institute Researchers Describe Structure of Toxin that May Cause Interstitial Cystitis (July 28, 2004)
Bullet Making Pelvic Exams Easier on Women with IC (June 6, 2004)
Bullet Have You Thought About Trying These Medications? (June 6, 2004)
Bullet Cat Research Finds IC Clue— Small Adrenal Glands (June 6, 2004)
Bullet Basic Research Holds Key to IC, Says Research Leader (June 6, 2004)
Bullet What Is IC? Experts are Working on a New Definition (June 6, 2004)
Bullet Poised for a Breakthrough: Researchers are Now Pursuing Dozens of Potential IC Treatments (June 6, 2004)
Bullet An In-depth Look at Children with IC (June 5, 2004)
Bullet Dr. Donohue Column Features IC & the ICA (May 26, 2004)
Bullet Vulvar Pain
The ICA's Vulvar Pain brochure has been updated. (May 17, 2004)
Bullet AUA2004-SMALL.jpg (6701 bytes)Up-to-the-Minute IC News from the American Urological Association Annual Meeting (May 14, 2004)
Bullet IC Makes National Headlines (May 13, 2004)
Bullet ICA Physician Perspectives - Spring 2004 (May 12, 2004)
Bullet IC and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (May 12, 2004)
Bullet weblink.gif (1224 bytes) Vulvodynia: Toward Understanding a Pain Syndrome
The US Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health have released a 42-page PDF file of their 2003 comprehensive workshop on vulvodynia. To view this extensive report, please click here. (May 12, 2004)
Bullet Chicago Tribune Covers IC and ICA (April 30, 2004)
Bullet ICA Physician Perspectives - February 2004 (February 24, 2004)
Bullet ICOS RTX Study Completed (February 6, 2004)

Contact the ICA at...
Disclaimer: The ICA does not engage in the practice of medicine. It is not a medical authority nor does it claim to have medical knowledge. In all cases, the ICA recommends that you consult your own physician regarding any course of treatment or medication. © 2002 The Interstitial Cystitis Association. All Rights Reserved.


This page was last modified on November 01, 2004 by