2004 --2002-03 --2001 -- 2000 -- 1999 -- 1998 -- 1997 -- 1995-96

Most Recent Highlight:

Deposition, erosion and bathymetric change
in South San Francisco Bay:1858-1983
U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2004–1192

Since the California Gold Rush of 1849, sediment deposition, erosion, and the bathymetry of South San Francisco Bay have been altered by both natural processes and human activities. Historical hydrographic surveys can be used to assess how this system has evolved over the past 150 years. The National Ocean Service (NOS) (formerly the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey (USCGS), collected five hydrographic surveys of South San Francisco Bay from 1858 to 1983. Analysis of these surveys enables us to reconstruct the surface of the bay floor for each time period and quantify spatial and temporal changes in deposition, erosion, and bathymetry.
Time Series of Salinity

Salinity and
Temperature in
South San Francisco Bay, California,
at the Dumbarton Bridge:
Results from the
1999-2002 Water Years
and an Overview
of Previous Data

U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation Report 03–4005

The complete data set from this site, which included 1990WY–1993WY and 1995WY–1998WY, provided a time–series of observations covering a wide range of hydrologic conditions. These conditions included critically dry years and years with above-normal and near–record precipitation and discharges from the major rivers and local streams.



Index map of Suisun Bay and Delta Bathymetry.

Suisun Bay and
Delta Bathymetry

- Production of a 10m Resolution Grid of Depth -
To improve hydrodynamic models of the complex mixing processes, which occur at the confluence of the Sacramento River, San Joaquin River, and the San Francisco Bay Estuary, the Inter-agency Ecological Program (IEP) and the US Geological Survey have sponsored the development of a 10 meter horizontal resolution grid of bathymetry. This grid is based on nearly one million depth soundings augmented by contours and recent aerial photography. It is the first comprehensive model of bathymetry for this intricate labyrinthine of natural and modified tidal channels. The total area covered by the grid is 9x10 km or nearly 100 million cells.

2004 --2002-03 --2001 -- 2000 -- 1999 -- 1998 -- 1997 -- 1995-96

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