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This Week in PNAS

NAS Member Irwin Rose and Foreign Associate Avram Hershko Share Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Aaron Ciechanover

NAS Members David J. Gross and Frank Wilczek Share Nobel Prize in Physics with H. David Politzer

NAS Members Richard Axel and Linda B. Buck Win Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

NAS Council Endorses National Institutes of Health Publication Policy

Ralph J. Cicerone Nominated for NAS President

Academy Opens New Science Museum

New on the InterViews Site: Jennifer Doudna of the University of California, Berkeley

December 10-12, 2004 - Irvine, CA
2004 Annual Japanese-American Beckman Frontiers of Science Symposium - more...

December 16-18, 2004 - Irvine, CA
Arthur M. Sackler Colloquium on Systematics and the Origin of Species. On Ernst Mayr's 100th Anniversary - more...