Latest News and Information for the NOAA Seasonal to Interannual Climate Forecasts - A NOAA Strategic Goal


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Implement Seasonal to Interannual Forecasts

Climate Related Organizations and Programs


[A-E] [F-J] [K-O] [P-T] [U-Z]
AL ERL Aeronomy Laboratory
AMS American Meteorological Society
CDC Climate Diagnostics Center
CLIVAR Climate Variability Program
CMB Climate Monitoring Branch (NCEP/NOAA)
CMDL Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory
COADSComprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set
COLA Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
CPCClimate Prediction Center
DOCDepartment of Commerce
ERLEnvironmental Research Laboratories (NOAA)
ESDIMNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Environmental Information Services
FSLForecast Systems Laboratory (NOAA)
GCIP GEWEX Continental Scale Project
GEWEXGlobal Energy and Water Cycle Experiment
GFDLGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
GLERLGreat Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (NOAA)
GOALSGlobal Ocean Atmosphere Land System
GOOS Global Ocean Observing System
HayesThe Stanley P. Hayes Center for the Study of Climate Variability
HPRCCHigh Plains Regional Climate Center
IRIInternational Research Institute for Climate Prediction
JAWFJoint Agricultural Weather Facility
JISAOJoint Institute for the Atmosphere and Ocean
LDEOLamont Doherty Earth Observatory:Climate Group
NASANational Aeronautics and Space Administration
NCARNational Center for Atmospheric Research
NCDCNational Climate Data Center
NCEPNational Centers for Environmental Prediction (NOAA)
NERCC Northeast Regional Climate Center
NESDISNational Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Services
NGDCNational Geophysical Data Center
NOAANOAA home page
NCDCNational Climate Data Center (NOAA)
NODCNational Oceanographic Data Center (NOAA)
NOSNational Ocean Service (NOAA)
NWSNational Weather Service (NOAA)
OAROffice of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (NOAA)
OGPOffice of Global Programs (NOAA)
PACSPan-American Climate Studies
PMELPacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (NOAA)
RCCsRegional Climate Centers (NOAA)
SCPPSeasonal to Interannual Climate Prediction Program
SERCCSoutheast Regional Climate Center
SIOScripps Institute of Oceanography
SRCCSouthern Regional Climate Center
TOGA-COARE Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment:An international research program
WRCCWestern Regional Climate Center
VAMOSVariability of the American Monsoon Systems: A CLIVAR research program

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Last updated: Sep 29, 2003