National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Implement Seasonal to Interannual Forecasts


Official NOAA Climate Forecasts

NOAA's Climate Prediction Center has the task of providing official climate forecasts and monitoring the current climate for the US. These efforts are designed to assist agencies both inside and outside the federal government in coping with such climate related problems as food supply, energy allocation, and water resources. They have an active research program in diagnostic analysis and climate modeling which is supplemented by cooperative research programs with other institutions.

Temperature and Precipitation Forecasts

Sea Surface Temperatures/El Niño Forecasts


Experimental NOAA Climate Forecasts

In order to improve its official climate forecasts, NOAA is actively involved in researching new forecasting tools and techniques. These methods include new climate models, multiple or "ensemble" climate model runs to look at climate more probabilisticly and different statistical techniques. In addition, research is being conducted on predicting climate statistics other than means (for example, the chance of seasonal climate extremes).

Temperature and Precipitation

Sea Surface Temperatures/El Niño



NOAA programs involved in improving forecasts

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Last updated: Jul 30, 2001