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USGS Personnel Office

USGS Upward Mobility Program

Through this program, career development and growth opportunities may be available to current Department of Interior and/or USGS employees in positions that are at the GS-9 level or below (or equivalent wage grade level) and have a career ladder of GS-10 or below (or equivalent wage grade level). Individual vacancy announcements posted on the USGS Online Automated Recruitment System (OARS) will state if the position is being filled through the Upward Mobility Program.

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
URL http://www.usgs.gov/ohr/upmo/index.html
Content Information Contact:gblackburn@usgs.gov
Last modification: Monday, 19-Aug-2002 07:15:33 EDT (GEB)
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