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December 6, 2004



...SNS Project Home: Quality Assurance

Team Member Contacts


SNS ESH&Q Director
Frank Kornegay   865-574-6688

Accelerator Systems Division and LINAC
John Mashburn    865-241-1297

 Joe Ozelis           757-269-7647

 Richard Savage 631-344-4640

Experimental Facilities
Division, Targets  and Instruments  Max Gildner        865-241-5787


John Cleaves     865-574-9065






If the challenge is

The right approach is

1. Serious


2. Moderate


3. Routine



 Read the SNS QA plan to see
 how this works! 
 Or take the on-line training: 

QA-With Audio      QA-Silent



Quality Assurance

Welcome to the QA web page. It is especially important that everyone working on the SNS know and use the Graded Approach (word) to requirements, and the Acceptance Criteria Listing (pdf) for equipment. The SNS project has quality professionals assigned to all major organizations to provide advice, services, and oversight. The project operates under Quality Assurance plans as listed below.
The QA staff are involved in all major procurements by evaluation of vendors' QA programs and acceptance of equipment. They are involved in records systems, in calibration of equipment, in procedures development and use, inspection coordination, and many other aspects of project work.
Auditing the quality systems and monitoring of quality results are duties for QA staff.
In Oak Ridge, ASD and XFD quality representatives provide assistance with planning and obtaining appropriate mechanical inspections, physical properties testing, and other inspections and tests.

 Useful Links
Additional documents and forms are available on the DCRM's Plans, Procedures, and Forms page. This page is "Facebase" password protected.


 Forms (Word)(PDF)







 SNS Quality Assurance
Phone: 865-241-1297

Updated December 6, 2004