David Halstead
Ames Lab's David Halstead cooks up a supercomputer
See below


Lowell Klaisner
SLAC's Lowell Klaisner finds the lost tunnel.
See below



 Number 31 June 1, 1999 
A mining pollution solution

Scientists at DOE's Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed a technology capable of removing toxic metal contaminants from acidic mine runoff. The technology, known as Polymer Filtration, uses patented water-soluble, ion-binding polymers to remove contaminants like lead from acid mine drainage, while allowing for recovery of valuable metals like silver, copper and zinc. These metals are typically lost in conventional remediation processes. The technology provides a potential remedy for environmental problems arising from the thousands of abandoned mine sites in the United States that pose hazards to local aquifers.

[Kay Roybal, 505/665-0582.,]

Armor through atomization

The DOE's Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory is working to make armored vehicles of the future lighter and more maneuverable. Using an atomization process and optimizing the composition, researchers are creating composite steel alloy powders that exhibit extreme hardness, without requiring additional heat treatment. In the atomization process, the cooling rate is controlled to maintain the composite properties of the alloy within nano-scale crystals. Researchers plan to use the powders to create thinner armor that also has superior ballistic performance. The spray atomization process facilitates the creation of complex shapes, a major advantage over current armoring methods, and can facilitate one-step production of armor coatings.

[Deborah Hill, 208/526-4723,]

Fast bio-identification in the field

Researchers from DOE's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have developed a portable instrument for rapidly identifying microbes from biological weapons or infectious disease outbreaks. Called ANAA, for Advanced Nucleic Acid Analyzer, the battery-operated system provides critical information about biological agents in minutes rather than the more conventional hours or days. "This instrument can also be used in settings such as a hospital emergency room, where rapid analysis of samples is needed," said Ray Mariella Jr., director of LLNL's Center for Microtechnology. A detailed article on the instrument and its capabilities was published in the April 16 issue of Science magazine.

[Jeff Garberson, 925/423-3125,]

Permanent magnet accelerator technology saves energy

Permanent magnets require no power or cooling water to operate-like the magnets that stick to your refrigerator door. They have played a significant and award-winning role in the seven-year, $259-million Main Injector Project, recently completed on time and within budget at the DOE's Fermilab ( The Federal Interagency Energy Policy Committee and the Department of Energy presented a Federal Energy and Water Management Award to Fermilab. And physicists Bill Foster and Gerry Jackson were named Fellows of the American Physical Society for their work in designing the new Antiproton Recycler Ring, the world's largest use of permanent magnets.

[Mike Perricone, 630/840-5678]

PROSPECT for predicting protein shapes

What a protein does depends on its shape-information that is vital to developing new drugs. Although the amino-acid sequences of tens of thousands of proteins have been determined, the three-dimensional structures of only about 1500 different proteins are known. Because determining protein structures experimentally is time consuming and tedious, scientists are using computer modeling to predict protein structure quickly from amino-acid sequences. In a recent international contest involving about 100 groups, DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory computer package, called the Protein Structure Prediction and Evaluation Computer Toolkit (PROSPECT), scored in the top five percent because it can predict accurately an unknown protein's detailed shape and amino acid positions.

[Carolyn Krause, 423/574-7183,]

Stealth insurance

When a U.S. fighter pilot is flying over enemy territory, he may worry whether or not his stealth fighter can be detected by radar. Researchers at DOE's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are helping ease the minds of pilots and their ground crews with a hand-held holographic three-dimensional radar camera that can verify the condition of an aircraft's stealth characteristics. The radar camera is helping the U.S. Air Force determine the condition of radar-absorbing material on F-117A Nighthawks, and the technology can be applied to other stealth aircraft as well.

[Staci West, 509/372-6313,]

Trees grow faster in CO2-rich 21st century atmosphere

Trees bathed in atmospheric carbon dioxide at levels expected by the year 2050 grew 25 percent faster, according to results from a facility built by DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory in a North Carolina forest. But the increased growth is not likely to continue, nor to compensate for the effects of CO2 emissions. The report, based on research at the Forest-Atmosphere Carbon Transfer and Storage (FACTS-1) facility, was published by scientists from the University of Illinois, Duke University, Brookhaven and others. FACTS-1 is one of several such Brookhaven facilities around the world used by scientists to evaluate the effects of global change on plants and ecosystems.

[Mona Row, 516/344-5056,]

Recipe for a supercomputer

David Halstead
David Halstead
As a theoretical chemist, David Halstead quickly discovered that supercomputers were a necessity-not an option.

"You want to make your simulation effective and interesting," says Halstead, an associate scientist in the Scalable Computing Lab at DOE's Ames Laboratory. "You need a big machine. That's where my interest started."

Halstead's abilities are a perfect fit at the SCL, where he and his colleagues search for effective, affordable approaches to parallel computing. They have written a Web-based "cookbook" that explains how to network personal computers to create parallel-computing "clusters." The ingredients-PCs and network switches-can be found on the shelves of most computer stores.

"This really is the way to go if you want to build a low-cost machine," Halstead says, adding that the operating system is free and that DOE develops free message-passing libraries for these systems. PC clusters fill a valuable niche in today's scientific world. Researchers can use the smaller systems to develop the complex code that will enable them to run simulations in a parallel-computing environment. The code can then be moved onto larger, more powerful machines.

"We give people a way to learn how to do power programming without having to apply for computer time on huge machines before they really need the horsepower," Halstead says.

The SCL examines ways to enhance communication between machines in the clusters, as well as finding methods for developing code that is both portable and scalable. "The lifetime of a computer is maybe two or three years, but the lifetime of scientific code can be decades," he says.

The SCL manages clusters ranging in size from eight to 128 CPUs that are used by researchers from Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University for chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics and molecular biology problems. "We get a good sanity check from a real-world audience," Halstead notes.

Submitted by DOE's Ames Laboratory

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, 202-586-5806)
Raiders of the Lost Tunnel

Lowell Klaisner coming up three flights of stairs from the depths of his newly-discovered tunnel at SLAC.
Picture a scientist from DOE's Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. His name is Lowell Klaisner but he could be a brother of Indiana Jones. Bullwhip over the shoulder, hat at a jaunty angle, flaming torch held high, he peers into the abyss. "Eureka!" shouts California Klaisner. "I've found the lost tunnel!"

Or words to that effect. Klaisner has in fact found a tunnel at SLAC that appears to have been hidden for 30 years. Even 30-year veteran physicist Greg Loew didn't know about it, and Greg knows everything. "Well, almost everything," says Loew modestly. Another veteran, Leo Giannini, didn't know about it, and he's been at SLAC 23 years. Finally, Klaisner tracked down colleagues Roger Miller and Bill Herrmannsfeldt. Bill had designed an injector for this tunnel during SLAC's early years in the 1960's. He went as far as the detailed design of the bending magnets before the idea was dropped for lack of funds.

The adventure of the lost tunnel started when Klaisner was named Project Engineer for the new Linac Coherent Light Source (LCSL), an X-ray free electron laser that will use the last one-third of SLAC's two-mile long accelerator. Klaisner's idea was to dig a trench alongside the accelerator for the off-axis injector. In order to find out what he might encounter if he started trenching, he looked up accelerator blueprints from 1966, and there it was!

Historians are amazed at the wisdom of the founding fathers of the Constitution. After all, that document has lasted for 200 years. Engineers feel the same way about the Linac designers. "The original Linac designers wisely put in off-axis injector tunnels at the one-third and two-thirds points along the linac. Of course, they probably didn't have the LCLS in mind, but it was still a smart move," says Klaisner.

The importance of this discovery is operational, according to Klaisner. "We need to do R&D; on the injector for the LCLS and this tunnel allows us to work while the linac is in use." The injector needs to be able to create and transport a low emittance beam for the LCLS.

Once Klaisner found the entryway, co-workers Burl Skaggs and Frank Brenkus lifted the creaky door while Klaisner peered down 30 feet. "It's amazingly clean," says Klaisner, "no snakes or bats, just a few cobwebs." Safety expert Bill Myers arranged to rig the hatch open, turn on the ventilation fan and find the original hand rails.

The next step was to assess its radiation level, and Jim Allan, from SLAC's Health Physics Department, was called in. "It tested clean," says Allan, "so we went exploring and found that 15 feet of shielding was working really well."

"The drawing calls this tunnel the Future Off Access Injector," says Klaisner. "The future is now."

Submitted by DOE's Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

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Volume 30, May 17, 1999
Rev: Monday, 17-May-1999 14:43:29 EDT - 526