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FAQ's for our Armed Forces

  • Find information on Armed Forces Relief Trust.

  • Find information on Army Emergency Relief.

  • Find information on the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society.

  • Find information on the Airforce Aid Society.

  • Find information on Coast Guard Mutual Assistance.

  • The following websites have information on talking to your child about war:

    National Mental Health Association
    National Center for Children Exposed to Violence

  • Information for Reservists

    Safety of the Troops

    Q: My son/daughter has been deployed to the Middle East. I have not heard anything from him/her for a while and I am worried. How can I find out if he/she is safe?

    A: Given the high tempo of operations in the gulf right now, it is not surprising that you haven't heard anything. In fact, it is quite normal. Our troops are often in remote locations, or too busy to get to a phone or computer. Mail is also being slowed down as our ships and planes are completely filled with essential military and humanitarian equipment.

    Q: But how do I know if my family member is safe? How do I get information about casualties? Can my Senator/Congressman find out if they are safe?

    A: Each of the military services has a robust system for making casualty notifications. In the event of tragedy, next of kin are notified very quickly. It may not put your mind at ease, but in this case, no news is good news.

    Supporting the Troops

    Q: How can I send a message to the troops?

    A: You can email messages to the troops at the following addresses:

    Operation Dear Abby
    Any Service Member
    Defend America
    Express Support

    Q: Where can I send care packages or letters to the troops?

    A: There is a long tradition of writing letters and sending care packages to troops stationed away from home. To minimize delays and complications in gettnig this kind of support to our troops the Department of Defense recommends the following:

    Red Cross and the United States Service Organization (USO) are accepting donations for their care packages.

    Q: Can I get the names and addresses of people from this community deployed to the Gulf, I would like to send a letter thanking them.

    A: The names and addresses of troops deployed around the world are not disclosed for security reasons.

    Casualty Information

    In the event of casualties, the appropriate military service is responsible for notifying the next of kin. These notifications take place very quickly. Names and hometowns of those killed or injured are released ONLY if the next of kin gives permission.

    • "No news is good news". Casualty notifications take place quickly.

    • Congressional offices are not given any prior notification of casualties.

    • In EXTREEMLY RARE circumstances, the services may be able to tell you if the name in question has been injured or killed. This normally only takes place only when the service is unable to make contact with the next of kin.

    • Contact the Reserve Officers Association at 800-809-9448

      Contact the National Military Family Association

      Department of Defense's Traumatic Injury Protection


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