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2004 Articles

December Articles
» Party Unity Vote Study: Votes Echo Electoral Themes, December 11, 2004
Madison Avenue would call it “building brand identity.” In a tightly contested election year, Republicans and Democrats used the machinery of Congress and their members’ votes to polish their images with voters and distinguish themselves from the competition.
» Groups seek to address voting troubles, December 07, 2004
Despite President Bush's clear margin of victory in the 2004 presidential race, voting and civil rights advocates say the election did not go as smoothly as Americans might think.
» Workers will still receive 3.5 percent raise, December 03, 2004
Legislation still is on track to implement a 3.5 percent average pay raise for federal civilian workers in 2005, despite a White House proposal to hold the increase to 2.5 percent.
November Articles
» EAC to Continue Pursuing Election Flaws, November 29, 2004
Meeting Tuesday for the first time since the Nov. 2 election, members of the Election Assistance Commission breathed a collective sigh of relief about the relatively smooth operation of this year’s Election Day — but they promised to do more in the coming year to improve the nation’s balloting system.
» Budget Critics Say Furor Over Tax Provision Highlights Big Flaws in Process, November 25, 2004
The hasty and haphazard completion of nine overdue fiscal 2005 spending bills raised new appeals from lawmakers that Congress figure out a better way to enact its annual budget.
» 3.5% Raise for Federal Civilian Workers Makes Spending Bill , November 21, 2004
Congressional negotiators reached agreement yesterday on a spending package that provides a 3.5 percent raise for federal civilian employees, more than double that sought by President Bush.
» House panel plans hearings on Nov. 2 voting problems, November 21, 2004
Problems at the polls and allegations of other irregularities in the Nov. 2 election are gaining serious attention in the nation's capital.
» Democrats Blast New GOP Rule, November 18, 2004
House Republicans changed their Conference rules Wednesday to allow indicted party leaders and committee chairmen an opportunity to remain in their posts, even as Democrats moved to toughen their own internal guidelines on the subject.
» House Republicans Act to Protect DeLay, November 18, 2004
Emboldened by their election success, House Republicans changed their rules yesterday to allow Majority Leader Tom DeLay (Tex.) to keep his post even if a grand jury indicts him, and Senate GOP leaders continued to weigh changing long-standing rules governing filibusters to prevent Democrats from blocking President Bush's most conservative judicial nominees.
» Analysis: Cracks in the GOP power facade, November 17, 2004
Although the Republican leadership in the House and Senate has been emboldened by the gains made in the Nov. 2 election, cracks are begging to show in the veneer of party invulnerability that GOP leaders sought to promote over the last two weeks.
» House Democrats Endorse Their Leadership, November 17, 2004
Despite losing seats Nov. 2, House Democratic leaders said Wednesday their caucus is energized and ready to confront the Republican majority in the new Congress.
» House Leadership Appears Largely Stable on Both Sides for 109th Congress, November 12, 2004
As the 108th Congress prepares to take its final votes, this also will be the week that the 109th Congress starts to take shape.
» Democrats Vow to Hold Bush Accountable, November 10, 2004
Congressional Democrats returned to Washington in a defiant mood yesterday, making no apologies for the campaign in which they lost congressional seats and the presidential race and vowing to hold President Bush accountable for his handling of the deficit, the Iraq war and other issues.
» In the House, both parties’ leaders pledge to maintain Jewish outreach , November 03, 2004
The Democratic and Republican whips in the U.S. House of Representatives have a lot in common when it comes to Jewish issues — such as bipartisan agreement on support for Israel and an understanding that neither party can take the Jewish vote for granted any longer.
October Articles
» Hoyer's Lock on 5th District Likely to Continue , October 27, 2004
Steny Hoyer is standing on a playing field at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Beltsville, exhorting a group of eighth graders to stay physically fit. He is, as ever, eloquent and impeccably dressed, not a sleek, silver hair out of place. With the thermometer pushing 80 degrees, he hasn't even rolled up his sleeves.
» Democratic Whip Lashes Out Against Kerry Film, October 14, 2004
House Democratic whip, Steny Hoyer, said 85 House Democrats signed a letter asking the FCC to investigate Sinclair Broadcasting over the anti-Kerry film without giving equal time to their candidate.
» GOP, Democratic Leaders Stump For Their Candidates, October 13, 2004
With Election Day less than three weeks away, House GOP and Democratic leaders are canvassing the country for their candidates and incumbents.
» Democratic leaders pressure DeLay to cede House post; , October 09, 2004
Democrats demanded Thursday that Tom DeLay resign as U.S. House majority leader, claiming that a series of ethics reprimands reveals a pattern of corruption that renders the Texan unfit for a position of leadership.
» Democrats: 'Time for new leadership' , October 09, 2004
U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the House Democratic whip, listed what he termed as many GOP failures and quoted a congressional scholar to describe the 108th Congress -- "pretty pathetic." He delivered the Democrats' weekly radio address.
» Hoyer: GOP Congress Failed Americans, October 09, 2004
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer criticized the Republican-controlled Congress on Saturday for "surrendering to its own intransigence and admitting that it cannot complete the work the people sent us here to do."
» Democratic Leaders Call for DeLay's Ouster, October 08, 2004
House Democratic leaders and several outside groups called for Majority Leader Tom DeLay to resign his post yesterday, saying that three admonishments by the House ethics committee in one week disqualify him for the chamber's second-highest leadership job. Fellow Republicans staunchly defended the Texas lawmaker, even as some said the consecutive rebukes may complicate his prospects of ever becoming speaker.
» Democrats: Republican 'Hammer' should step down, October 08, 2004
Outraged Democrats called Thursday for the resignation of senior Republican lawmaker Tom DeLay for a "disturbing pattern of corruption" following his censure by a House ethics panel.
» Ethics Rebuke to DeLay Prompts Democratic Calls for Ouster, October 08, 2004
Top House Democrats today condemned Representative Tom DeLay, the leader of the Republican majority, declaring that the latest ethics case against him proved that he had been corrupted by power and was unfit to lead.
» House Dems call for DeLay to step down, October 08, 2004
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The senior leadership of House Democrats, citing three rebukes of Rep. Tom DeLay by the House ethics committee in a week, called Thursday for him to be ousted as majority leader.
» House Leadership - Democrats, Public Interest Groups Urge DeLay To Resign, October 08, 2004
House Democratic leaders and public interest groups today called on House Majority Leader DeLay to resign his leadership post, noting that Wednesday's rebuke by the House Ethics Committee is the fourth against DeLay in his career -- with three of them coming in the last week

Displaying Articles 1 to 25 of 157
» 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-157

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