  Google Maps Photos Policy

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  - Legal Notices
  - Photos & Videos Policy

All photos submitted to the Local Business Center must follow the Google Maps Terms of Service ( and are subject to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act ( We recommend reviewing both documents before uploading any photographs.

Please note that we reserve the right to review or reject listings with photographs that violate our content policy, for example photographs that contain:

  • illegal content
  • violations of copyright
  • trademark infringement
  • pornography
  • incitement of violence
  • promotions of hate
  • invasion of privacy

Photos must depict your business/organization or business product. The image must be specific to your listing - no default logos or images. For example, if you are a travel agency, you cannot upload the logo for a hotel chain. You are, however, permitted to upload a logo of your specific business.

Any content, such as images or videos, submitted to Local Business Center must follow Google and YouTube's Terms of Service. Please refer to Google Maps Terms of Services ( for images uploaded to this service and YouTube Terms of Service ( for videos uploaded to this service. Any content you upload is subject to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ( We recommend reviewing these documents before uploading any content! .

Google reserves the right to review or reject any content you submit with a listing, or any listings.

Images and videos must depict your business or organization, or they must depict your business or organization's product. The image or video must be directly related to your listing. For example, if you are a travel agency, you cannot upload the logo for a hotel chain. You are, however, permitted to upload a logo of your business.

If you have any questions, please visit our Help Center at