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My Voting Record

  12-1 595 H RES 1724 Yea
  12-1 594 H RES 1217 Aye
  12-1 593 H J RES 101 Nay
  12-1 592 H RES 1430 Aye
  12-1 591 H RES 1735 Aye

» Complete voting history - 1st Session

» Complete voting history - 2nd Session

Solar Legislation

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Click here or here to read H.R. 3585, the Solar Technology Roadmap Act, which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 310-106 on October 22, 2009.



Click here to read my speech to the Solar Economic Forum on September 10, 2009.
Click here to see my presentation to the National Academy of Sciences on July 29, 2009.


Solar Manufacturing Advancement Act (H.R. 576)

This bill would create a 30 percent tax credit for the purchase of equipment used to manufacture solar technologies and provide for a 5-year depreciation period for such equipment.

Solar Energy Research and Advancement Act of 2007 (H.R. 2774)

This bill was included in the comprehensive energy package that passed the House in December 2007 and was signed by President Bush. H.R. 2774 establishes a four-point plan to promote solar power. It calls for:

  • A program to create and strengthen solar industry workforce training and internship programs in order to ensure that current and future employees obtain the necessary skills to install, operate and maintain solar energy products;
  • A nationwide initiative for private industry and public agencies to demonstrate advanced solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. All states, such as Arizona, that submit qualifying proposals can receive this funding, which will advance the commercial application of solar technology;
  • The creation of a research and development program into thermal energy storage technologies for concentrating solar power (CSP). CSP uses mirrors to convert the sun’s energy into heat, which is then used to produce electricity. The focus of the program will be on how to improve storage technology so that solar energy consumers can obtain electricity at night and on cloudy days;
  • A report regarding the integration of concentrating solar power plants and regional electricity transmission systems, including how to send electricity from high solar resource areas (such as Arizona) to areas with less solar power;
  • An analysis of how to reduce the amount of water consumed by concentrating solar power systems;
  • Research and development for solar lighting technology, such as solar light pipes, which is a highly efficient method to create electricity; and
  • Research and development for solar air conditioning technology.

Renewable Energy Assistance Act of 2007 (H.R. 3807)

This bill would safeguard vital individual and commercial tax incentives for installing solar energy systems and investing in energy-saving residential upgrades, encouraging research and investment in advanced solar energy and energy-efficient technologies.

Provisions from H.R. 3807 to promote solar energy by extending through 2016 the 30% solar Investment Tax Credit for individuals and businesses and removing an existing barrier preventing public utilities from claiming the tax credit were passed by the House on February 27, 2008 as part of the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act (H.R. 5351).  H.R. 5351 will eliminate approximately $17 billion in subsidies for oil and gas companies and use the savings to fund tax credits and other incentives for renewable energy.