United States Senator Jay Rockefeller for West Virginia
Offices : BeckleyCharlestonFairmontMartinsburgWashington, DC E-mail Senator Rockefeller
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Senator Rockefeller has long believed that we need to develop a comprehensive and responsible national energy policy to make our country more energy independent. To achieve that, he has advocated for significant investments in alternative fuel research and development, and has promoted sensible energy conservation measures.

Senator Rockefeller strongly believes that coal, especially clean coal, must be one of the central solutions to our energy needs. He has fought to put clean coal on equal footing with ethanol and biofuels as an alternative fuel source by advocating for an environmentally sound coal-to-liquid development (CTL) program. With appropriate environmental standards, the transportation fuel created through the CTL process has the potential to help reduce prices at the gas pump - and end the undue influence of OPEC on our economy and security.

With that in mind, Senator Rockefeller has proposed the creation of a Future Fuels Corporation - a public-private partnership that would begin looking at ways to develop alternative transportation fuels through a clean coal-to-liquid process for cars, planes, and trucks, including creating the technology necessary to capture and store carbon emissions from power plants and factories. Senator Rockefeller believes that by bringing together the best and brightest scientists, adequate government funding, and American ingenuity, West Virginia coal can and will be a solution to our energy needs.

At the same time, we need to examine how to harness our abundant natural resources to produce cleaner, cheaper energy. Senator Rockefeller supports the development of new sources of energy -- wind, solar, hydro, or nuclear power - as additional ways to boost our energy independence. As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, Senator Rockefeller has long fought to increase and extend valuable tax credits to businesses willing to help end the dominant role of foreign oil in our economy.

Investing in renewable fuels is only part of the larger solution. Senator Rockefeller also believes in sensible conservation measures that are aimed at promoting the use of energy efficient technology in our homes, schools, and workplaces. He's supported tax credits for home owners and businesses that incorporate energy-saving technologies, such as appliances, windows, light bulbs and building materials, into their current homes or new construction projects. He's also supported higher fuel standards for cars and trucks, so that West Virginians will be able to get more miles to the gallon from ever increasing gas prices.

Future of Coal

Senator Rockefeller believes that coal -- clean coal -- must be a solution to our energy needs, and can put our nation on the path to energy independence. More...

Global Climate Change

Carbon capture and sequestration is going to be the greatest research, technological and environmental challenge of the 21st century. Whether it's clean coal-to-liquid development or working to upgrade existing coal-fired plants to meet environmental standards, Senator Rockefeller has worked to make sure that the development of a carbon sequestration program must be a top federal priority. More...

Alternative Fuels

In order to lessen our dependence on foreign oil, the United States must be ingenious, inventive, and resourceful in the development of alternative fuels. Senator Rockefeller believes clean coal can be our country's greatest chance to achieve energy independence, but knows we must be open to other ideas and sources of alternative energy. More...

Reducing Energy Prices

Recently, energy prices have hit record highs across our country. Senator Rockefeller understands that this takes a toll on West Virginians' budgets. More...

Energy Conservation Tips

Senator Rockefeller knows that conserving energy is a shared responsibility and that simple changes in our daily habits can go a long way. For more information about what you can do to save energy and reduce your monthly electrical bill, click here.