
Investing in Our Infrastructure and Expanding Mass-Transit

Senator Reed understands that a robust public transportation system increases mobility for all Rhode Islanders, reduces congestion on our roadways, and improves the quality of life for everyone in our state.

A member of the Banking Committee, which oversees federal transportation programs, Reed has championed critical highway, bus, and rail projects.

He secured over $230.5 million for Rhode Island in the landmark Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) Act and ensured the state receives $2.96 in federal transportation funding for every dollar Rhode Islanders pay in gas taxes. Reed also helped increase the funding available to densely populated states, like Rhode Island, where bus and rail programs play a vital role in helping people travel to and from work and other destinations.

In an effort to expand freight rail service, create jobs, and grow Rhode Island's economy, Reed worked for over a decade to secure $55 million to make the Rhode Island Freight Rail Improvement Project (FRIP) a reality. The Boston Globe said the project "was a pipe dream until Reed began to lobby Representative Bob Carr, the Michigan Democrat who was chairman of the subcommittee with jurisdiction over such projects."

Reed has also worked to expand commuter rail service to South County, which will help ease traffic in the southern half of the state. He has secured over $27.3 million for a commuter rail project that plans to have stops at T.F Green Airport and Wickford Junction.

He also helped secure millions of dollars in federal funding to improve Rhode Island's airports, upgrade and repair our bridges, and modernize RIPTA's buses to expand public transportation options throughout the state and offer an alternative to the stress and environmental impact of driving.

Recent News:

RI to receive $1.2 Million for Track & Platform Upgrades at Kingston Station

Senate Approves $6.5 Million for Rhode Island in Transportation and Housing Spending Plan

RI Delegation Rolls Out $24.2 Million to Upgrade RIPTA Fleet

Amtrak to Invest $3.4 Million in Federal Funding to Tighten Rail Security, Upgrade Facilities in RI


Outside Links:

Rhode Island Department of Transportation

U.S. Department of Transportation