While Democrats Ignore Unemployment, Americas Pay the Price

While Democrats Ignore Unemployment, Americas Pay the Price

NOVEMBER 6, 2009

"Our team is working with members of Congress every day on this issue (health care), and it is my highest legislative priority." 

                                                                         -President Barack Obama, July 10, 2009.


Today, the Department of Labor reported that unemployment reached a staggering 10.2 percent for the month of October, the highest level in 26 years.  While Americans suffer, Democrats are spending their time trying to force Pelosi's health care takeover through Congress.  The shocking 10.2 percent unemployment only tells part of the story of the struggles of average Americans that Democrats ignore.  A deeper look at the numbers reveals the true cost of the Democrats' economic policies, especially for the nation's most vulnerable people.


15,700,000:  Americans unemployed and looking for work-the highest number ever.  Since the trillion dollar Democrat "stimulus" was passed, the number of unemployed Americans has increased by more than 3.2 million.

:  Individuals whose jobs were eliminated in October.

:  People unemployed in October because they have been laid off.

2,804,000:  Jobs lost since Democrats' "stimulus" was passed in February.

: People who are working only part-time because they cannot find full time employment.

:  People who want work, but who are not currently looking because of the state of the economy.

:  People unemployed and searching for work for more than 27 weeks-the highest level ever.

:  Job seekers that are new entrants to the workforce and have yet to find a job.

:  Average number of weeks job seekers are unemployed after losing their jobs-the highest number since the statistic was first recorded in 1948.

:  Unemployment rate among job seekers between the ages of 16 and 19-the highest level since the statistic was first measured in 1948.

:  Unemployment rate among African Americans-the highest level since 1985.

:  Unemployment rate among Hispanics and Latinos.

:  Rate of underemployment, accounting for the unemployed and those who are unable to find adequate work.

:  Unemployment rate among job seekers without a high school degree.

:  Rate of the U.S. population in the workforce.