Pence Reacts to Latest Unemployment Report

Pence Reacts to Latest Unemployment Report

OCTOBER 8, 2010

“The American people are hurting under the weight of the failed economic policies of this administration. On top of the borrowing, spending and bailouts, Democrats are poised to allow the biggest tax increase in American history to take effect on January 1, 2011.”

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, released the following statement today after the Labor Department reported that the economy lost 95,000 jobs in September:

“The American people are hurting under the weight of the failed economic policies of this administration. On top of the borrowing, spending and bailouts, Democrats are poised to allow the biggest tax increase in American history to take effect on January 1, 2011.
“It’s time for a new direction to get this economy moving again.  Congress should come back to Washington and vote immediately to ensure that there will be no tax increases on American families, small business owners, and family farms.”


For additional information, contact:

The House Republican Conference Press Office at (202) 226-9000 or
Matt Lloyd (
Mary Vought (