Pence on Sean Hannity Radio Show

Pence on Sean Hannity Radio Show

U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, appeared on Sean Hannity’s radio show today to discuss the GOP Budget Alternative that will be unveiled next week.

MARCH 27, 2009

Click here to listen to the audio.

Below is an excerpt from the interview:

PENCE: "The Republican proposal is going to be built on fiscal restraint. When our own Paul Ryan, our lead Republican on the Budget Committee, introduces the Republican budget next week you're going to see a Party that is willing to make the kind of tough choices to put our fiscal house in order. We are going to make the commitment which the Democrats and this Administration are not doing to real entitlement reform..."


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The House Republican Conference Press Office at (202) 226-9000 or
Matt Lloyd (
Mary Vought (