Pence Joins House Republicans in Presenting President Obama a Copy of 'Better Solutions'

Pence Joins House Republicans in Presenting President Obama a Copy of "Better Solutions"

JANUARY 29, 2010

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today after House Republicans offered President Obama a copy of Better Solutions, a compilation of policy proposals House Republicans have developed and introduced since January, 2009:

"When Democrats took control of Washington, House Republicans pledged to the American people that we would be the party of better solutions. House Republicans have kept our word.  Starting with our no-cost jobs plan, we have offered comprehensive solutions to address the challenges facing the country.

"Today, House Republicans were pleased to provide President Obama with a copy of Better Solutions, a compilation of legislative proposals House Republicans have unveiled since the president took office.  Better Solutions includes our proposals for reducing deficits without raising taxes, common sense reforms to reduce health care costs, and our plan to achieve energy independence.

"These are difficult times for families, small businesses and family farms. The American people expect Washington to take decisive action to get our economy moving again. We stand ready to work with the president on policies that will create jobs and bring fiscal discipline to Washington now, without raising taxes or growing the size of government.  I urge the president to give our proposals the consideration they deserve, so we can begin the work that is necessary to fix our economy and get our fiscal house in order."


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The House Republican Conference Press Office at (202) 226-9000 or
Matt Lloyd (
Mary Vought (