Pence Calls President’s New Health Care Bill ‘More of the Same’

Pence Calls President’s New Health Care Bill ‘More of the Same’

Says New Proposal is Same Government-Run Insurance the American People Overwhelmingly Rejected

FEBRUARY 22, 2010

Washington, DC - U.S. Congressman Mike Pence, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today after President Obama released his latest health care reform plan: 

"House Republicans welcome any good faith effort to start over on health care reform but the bill President Obama unveiled today is just more of the same government-run insurance, mandates and taxes the American people have overwhelmingly rejected.

"If this Administration is serious about health care reform, the president should scrap this 'more of the same' health care plan and start from scratch with a clean sheet of paper and an eye toward the kind of reforms that will lower the cost of insurance. House Republicans believe we can still build a bill that will lower the cost of health insurance, without growing the size of government, and are still willing to work with this White House and Congressional Democrats to do just that."


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