This information is guaranteed accurate until December 1, 2010. Updated biographical and contact information for the 112th Congressional Session will be provided on January 4, 2011.

AYE - H RES 1737 (Roll #607)

In the Matter Of Representative Charles B. Rangel Of New York (On Agreeing To the Resolution)

NO - H RES 1737 (Roll #606)

(On Agreeing To the Amendment)

AYE - H RES 1313 (Roll #605)

Expressing Support For Designation Of May As “child Advocacy Center Month” and Commending the National Child Advocacy Center In Huntsville, Alabama, On Their 25th Anniversary In 2010 (On Motion To Suspend the Rules and Agree)

NAY - H R 4853 (Roll #604)

Airport and Airway Extension Act Of 2010, Part Iii (On Motion To Concur In the Senate Amendment With An Amendment)

NO - S 3307 (Roll #603)

Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act Of 2010 (On Passage)

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