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Home > About IAE > Vision and Goals

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IAE Mission Vision and Goals

Mission: We standardize, integrate and streamline the Federal procurement process, through electronic means, for the acquisition workforce and business partners, while increasing transparency.

Vision: To provide the environment where the power of Federal procurement standards is realized.

Strategic Goals:

A) Integrate Business Processes - To create and sustain a streamlined, common integrated business process for business partners

B) Enhance Data Quality, Data Sharing, and Transparency - To enhance the utility of data through increased data quality, integrity and reliability to achieve a standards-based system, data sharing and increased transparency

C) Provide Secure Technology Platforms - To create a secure and evolving business environment for all platforms

D) Maximize the Benefit - To obtain the necessary workforce and funding to maximize the benefit of the IAE investment

E) Empower Efficient Acquisition - To ensure that the IAE technology platform facilitates transformation and enables efficient acquisition of goods and services in support of mission performance