
Supreme Court Should Allow Live Coverage of Affordable Care Act Arguments

Today, I join my colleague Senator Grassley in a bipartisan call for the Supreme Court proceedings on the Affordable Care Act to be publicly available through real-time video and audio. When the Affordable Care Act is placed before the highest court in our country, all Americans will have a stake in the debate; therefore, all Americans should have access to it. Openness and transparency are essential to the success of our democracy, and in this historic debate, we must ensure the ability of our citizens to take part.

Americans are already benefiting from the Affordable Care Act. Seniors are receiving discounts on prescription drugs and free preventive services. Young people are gaining insurance by staying on their parents’ plans. And children with pre-existing conditions are now protected from discrimination. We are confident that the Affordable Care Act will be found constitutional, and that its benefits will continue to strengthen our nation.

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